If you only have a file ast.mli, you should not be able to write Ast.Sig because you do not have a module named Ast. Please double check your example. It cannot be working as you describe.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Romain Bardou <romain@bardou.fr> wrote:
Hello, dear Caml-list,

I have a file ast.mli. It has no .ml implementation as it contains only
type definitions.

I have a file toto.ml, which contains simply:

module A = Ast

So I only use it as an abbreviation, to write A.t instead of Ast.t for

However, at link-time, the following error occurs:

File "_none_", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: Error while linking toto.cmo:
Reference to undefined global `Ast'

I found a workaround, which is to change ast.mli to put all type
definitions in a signature, such as:

module type Sig =
 type t = ...

And then, in toto.ml:

module type A =
 include Ast.Sig

Is there any better way to write such a module abbreviation, without
changing ast.mli? And, of course, without copying or renaming ast.mli
into ast.ml.

By the way, this is yet another evidence for the need of a construction
"sig of" which would take a module (with or without implementation) and
return its signature.


Romain Bardou

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