> Why?
> How to install GODI?

GODI is a very nice package management system for OCaml, making it trivial to install both OCaml and most OCaml libraries that are in common use. It automatically downloads and installs libraries, and checks for dependencies. I would recommend using it, unless perhaps if you are on one of the previously mentioned OS's that already have good support for OCaml in their native package management systems. Follow the link below, download RocketBoost on the right, and follow the instructions. You can post to the Beginner's List if you run into any trouble.


On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mihamina@gulfsat.mg> wrote:
> Peng Zang <peng.zang@gmail.com> :
> The best way to compile and install OCaml (in my opinion) is via GODI.

How to install GODI?

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