The International Summer School on Information Security and Protection (ISSISP) is organized by CEA LIST on July 17-21, at Château de Button, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (near Paris). website: ** Description There is an increasing need for Software Security and Protection due to the growing sensitivity of user data coupled with the ubiquitous nature of computing systems ranging from tiny embedded devices to powerful data centers. The International Summer School on Information Security and Protection (ISSISP) highlights this need by bringing internationally renowned speakers from diverse fields in Computer Science such as Software Engineering, Formal Methods, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems and Compiler design into Software Security and Protection. ISSISP is historically centered on MATE (Man-At-The-End) attack scenarios, with a strong focus on obfuscation and reverse. The 2017 edition will additionally cover control-flow hijacking issues as well as software protections against hardware attacks. ISSISP's courses will include both lectures and hands-on sessions. The program includes the following speakers: - Christian Collberg :: obfuscation, watermarking, fingerprinting - Jack Davidson :: advanced software protections - Bjorn De Sutter :: anti-deobfuscation, protection evaluation - Arun Lakhotia :: malware analysis - Ronan Lashermes :: protection vs fault injection - Damien Couroussé :: protection vs side-channel attacks - Roberto Giacobazzi :: semantic foundations of code protection - Sébastien Bardin :: binary-level formal methods ** Practical details The School is expected to host around 50 people worldwide, all of them specialized in security, software analysis or related areas. Beside PhD students and young researchers which are our primary target, we also welcome (and expect) the participation of experts from both industry and national agencies. Fees: - student: 350 EUR - academia / startup: 525 EUR - company: 700 EUR Student subscription fees include a certificate of participation from ACM and a complimentay 1-year ACM student membership -- with a subscription to the ACM Digital libray. Registration is available with or without accomodation included. The provided accomodations are located on the site of the Summer School and are limited.