They are different. Even between different OCaml versions the bytecode format is not guaranteed to remain fully compatible. On 08/12/2016 11:07 PM, Bergman Andrey wrote: > Bonjour! > > Are formats of camllight and ocaml bytecodes different? > Have you added some new instructions? Or you have preserved compatibility? > > Thank you, > Andrey. > -- #!/usr/bin/env perl @a=split(//, "daniil @ baturin . org" );# Daniil Baturin @b=split(//,q/Px%!+o0Q6lh*7dp$.@8#%|y{/);while($i<24){$_.= chr((ord(@b[$i])-ord(@a[$i])+62)%94+32);$i++};print"$_\n"#