Well, you could use resizeable arrays instead of lists for each bucket.
If you have 100M items, each "cons" becomes fairly expensive. A pointer per item is 400MB...
I'm a bit surprised that the C++ program only required 800MB - that would be 8 bytes exactly per item; if each item is an int (4 bytes) and a double (8 bytes), it doesn't add up. Or are you using single precision floats and arrays everywhere (no objects, structs of any kind) ?

The most memory efficient representation in OCaml would probably be a couple of arrays, ints and floats. For an item indexed by j, the int value is ints.(j) and the float value is in floats.(j). 
ints.(j) == [| i0; ... |]
floats.(j) == [ f0; ... |]


On Feb 19, 2008 9:18 PM, John Caml <camljohn42@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you all for the assistance.

I've resolved the Stack_overflow problem by using an Array instead of
a Hashtbl; my keys were just consecutive integers, so this later
approach is clearly preferable.

However, the memory usage is still pretty bad...it takes nearly an
order of magnitude more memory than the equivalent C++ program. While
the C++ program required 800 MB, my ocaml program requires roughly 6
GB. Am I doing something very inefficiently? My revised code appears

Also, if you have any other coding suggestions I'd appreciate hearing
them. I'm a long-time coder but new to Ocaml and eager to learn.


exception SplitError

let loadWholeFile filename =
   let infile = open_in filename
   and movieMajor = Array.make 17770 [] in

   let rec loadLines count =
       let line = input_line infile in
       let murList = Pcre.split line in

       match murList with
           | m::u::r::[] ->
               let rFloat = float_of_string r
               and mInt = int_of_string m
               and uInt = int_of_string u in

               let newElement = (uInt, rFloat)
               and oldList = movieMajor.(mInt) in
               let newList = List.rev_append [newElement] oldList in
               Array.set movieMajor mInt newList;

               if (count mod 1000000) == 0 then begin
                   Printf.printf "count: %d\n" count;
                   flush stdout;

                   loadLines (count + 1)

           | _ -> raise SplitError

       loadLines 0
       End_of_file -> close_in infile;

let filename = Sys.argv.(1);;
let str = loadWholeFile filename;;

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