hi everyone, I know this topic has been discussed several times, but I don't think I have seen the solution I use for functions of the List module which are not tail recursive. I thought sharing the tip could be nice. I will take an example, List.map. When rewritten in CPS map becomes: let rec map k f = function | [] -> k [] | x :: rl -> map (fun res -> k ((f x) :: res)) f rl The trick consists in "unfolding" this function manually, in order to allocate less closures: let rec map k f = function | [] -> k [] | x :: rl -> let x = f x in match rl with | [] -> k [x] | y :: rl -> let y = f y in match rl with | [] -> k [x ; y] | z :: rl -> let z = f z in match rl with | [] -> k [x ; y ; z] | t :: rl -> let t = f t in map (fun res -> k (x :: y :: z :: t :: res)) f rl Performances are roughly equivalent to List.map on short and medium size lists (at least on my machine), but as it's tail recursive it doesn't blow the stack on long lists. Please note that performances are not as good as the "Obj.magic" version of map on very long lists. However, this does the job for me, I have a fast map on short and medium size lists (< 10000 elements) but still working on larger ones. Hope this helps !