Thanks for all of your help.

I tried, and it works fine until the require of "json-static". It breaks when loading "pcre.cma".

Now we can say that pcre package has some problem, but dynlink is loaded successfully.


$ ocaml
        Objective Caml version 3.11.1

# #load "dynlink.cma";;
# let x = Dynlink.is_native;;
val x : bool = false

Test 2


#use "topfind";;
 #load "dynlink.cma";;
 #require "json-static";;
/home/conglun/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/dynlink.cma: loaded
/home/conglun/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/camlp4: added to search path
/home/conglun/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/pcre: added to search path
/home/conglun/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/pcre/pcre.cma: loaded
  47721 [main] ocaml 2136 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Test 3

ocamlfind ocamlmktop -package dynlink -o dtop -custom -linkall


#use "topfind";;
#require "dynlink";;
/home/conglun/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/dynlink.cma: loaded
# let x = Dynlink.is_native;;
val x : bool = false

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 10:14 PM, David Allsopp <> wrote:
> Ah but wait, your META file has that patch incorporated already!
> I don't know -- the cygwin distribution of OCaml is broken somehow.

What happens if you run ocaml and then enter #load "dynlink.cma";;     ??
