On 3/13/06, "Sayan (Sébastien Li-Thiao-Té)" <sayan@crans.org> wrote:
I have already tried to be GC-friendly, and use the "standard" way to do

Well, you shouldn't expect the GC to become more friendly towards you when you become less friendly towards the GC ;-)

For example the following function also works using a 32-bit
chroot, but also fails with the 64-bit compiler. The question is : why
does it fail with the 64-bit compiler?

Obviously because of a bug: the allocation functions return negative values on 64-bit machines.  You should submit a bug report here: http://www.ocaml.org/mantis


Markus Mottl        http://www.ocaml.info         markus.mottl@gmail.com