On 10/19/06, Dr. Axel Poigné wrote: > > I look for references to usage of ocaml in Data Mining, Knowleadge > Discovery. Inductive Logic Programming, Vector support Machines and > related topics. I have browsed the net but entries are sparse. > > I would like to try using Ocaml in these areas and want to avoid > double work. > You may have already found AIFAD (Automated Induction of Functions over Algebraic Datatypes), a symbolic machine learning program, which generalizes induction of decision trees to structured values, and is pretty efficient even on large amounts of data. You can find the sources and documentation here: http://www.ocaml.info/aifad It's also available as a Godi-package, which makes it easier to install, because it depends on other libraries. We use Lacaml, a fairly complete and convenient binding to BLAS/LAPACK, here at Jane Street Capital for implementing numeric algorithms to analyse very substantial amounts of financial data. I unfortunately cannot give you details about this work. You can get Lacaml through Godi or download it here: http://www.ocaml.info/home/ocaml_sources.html#LACAML Best regards, Markus -- Markus Mottl http://www.ocaml.info markus.mottl@gmail.com