Hi all,

this message initially went to the OCaml-announce list, but doesn't seem to have been distributed.

There is a new version of SQLite3-bindings for OCaml available as a Godi-package now.  The initial version was written by Christian Szegedy about two years ago, but does not seem to have been maintained since then.  I have improved the C-stubs to fix a few things and make the library work better in multi-threaded environments, cleaned up the API, and documented it.  The library is not quite backwards compatible to Christian's version, but it should take very little effort only to update applications using it.

Just select the package "godi-sqlite3" in Godi to install the library.  You can then link with the findlib package "sqlite3 ", and access the library through module "Sqlite3".

The source code is available here: http://ocaml.info/home/ocaml_sources.html#ocaml-sqlite3

Best regards,

P.S.: I haven't managed to get feedback from Christian yet so I don't know whether he's fine with my changes, but it is likely that the current API will remain stable.

Markus Mottl        http://www.ocaml.info        markus.mottl@gmail.com