Am 04.04.20 um 15:56 schrieb Gabriel Scherer:
(If you are interested in hosting a web platform for git hosting, I'm told that gitea ( ) is much easier to deploy than Gitlab.)

As I went through this in case of Gitlab: the deployment is very simple - they have a docker container. One command and it is running. The issue with a running a public Gitlab instance was that you need to invest some time to maintain it (it is abused for hosting ads of any kind), and that is why I stopped doing this.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 3:30 PM orbifx <> wrote:
On 04/04/2020 14:17, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
> 1. <> makes it difficult for non-INRIA people to contribute (they cannot open a pull/merge request).

Only for those who don't know how to contribute without "opening" a pull request. Which is otherwise as simple as sending a message with: here is my repo URL, please pull; or here is my patch attachment.

> It is a mistake to use it for publicly-distributed software.

I think not. I find it positively refreshing to see something outwith Gitlab's dominance. So it's a matter of opinion.

Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany
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