I've been urged to use Netcgi from OcamlNet-2 from http://www.ocaml-programming.de/packages/ocamlnet-2.2test2.tar.gz . When I tried to configure OcamlNet2 it said it needed PCRE -- and even though I installed what was labelled as PCRE from ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/ , OcamlNet-2 refused to configure because it couldn't recognize PCRE as being installed, and when I commented out the test for PCRE in the configure it still couldn't find it. How can I install OcamlNet-2? Right now I'm stuck on getting it to recognize PCRE. -- ++ Jonathan Hayward, jonathan.hayward@pobox.com ** To see an award-winning website with stories, essays, artwork, ** games, and a four-dimensional maze, why not visit my home page? ** All of this is waiting for you at http://JonathansCorner.com ** If you'd like a Google Mail (gmail.com) account, please tell me!