I now have the script below. I was slightly surprised it didn't get an error as I had it load /usr/lib/ocaml/3.08.3/cgi/netcgi.cma, and the directory contains:

cgi.a       netcgi_env.cmi      netcgi_fcgi.mli         netcgi_jserv.cmi
cgi.cma     netcgi_env.mli      netcgi_jserv_ajp12.cmi  netcgi_jserv.mli
cgi.cmxa    netcgi_fcgi_10.cmi  netcgi_jserv_ajp12.mli  netcgi.mli
META        netcgi_fcgi_10.mli  netcgi_jserv_app.cmi    netcgi_types.cmi
netcgi.cmi  netcgi_fcgi.cmi     netcgi_jserv_app.mli    netcgi_types.mli

When I run it, I get a different and shorter error message:

File "./demo.ml", line 35, characters 2-5:
Syntax error

The line in question is:

    | "1" -> "Yes"

Is there some irritating little syntax error around line 35?


#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun ocaml

(* Change the directories as needed for your system. *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+netstring";;
#load "netstring.cma";;
#directory "/usr/lib/ocaml/3.08.3/cgi/";;
#load "netcgi.cma";;

open Netcgi

let text = Netencoding.Html.encode_from_latin1
  (* This function encodes "<", ">", "&", double quotes, and Latin 1
     characters as character entities.  E.g. text "<" = "&lt;", and
     text "ä" = "&auml;" *)

(* Normally you would use a template system instead of this *)
let html_page (cgi:cgi) title html =
  let out = cgi#out_channel#output_string in
  out "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \
        \" http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n";
  out ("<html>\n<head><title>" ^ text title ^"</title></head>
  out html;
  out "</body>\n</html>"

let main (cgi:cgi) =
    ~content_type:"text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\""
  let foo = cgi#argument_value "foo"
  let html = match foo with
    | "1" -> "Yes"
    | "0" -> "No"
    | _ -> "Undefined" in
  html_page cgi foo html

(* You can buffer or not the output.  If buffered you can rollback
   (useful in case of error). You can replace Netcgi_cgi.run by
   another connector entry point (FCGI, SCGI, AJP, Apache mod). *)
let () =
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  Netcgi_cgi.run ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered) main

++ Jonathan Hayward, jonathan.hayward@pobox.com
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