I am working on a project in ocaml that has a number of libraries that it depends on that are being concurrently developed. I can easily set up ocamlbuild to build the binaries and the libraries, however the binaries are always built from the object files that are packed into the library even if I tell it to link in the library via a plugin. I have attached an interactive script (lightly edited for clarity). The thing to notice is that when it links main.byte it still includes hello.cmo and world.cmo even though they are in hw.cma. This works for the bytecode linking, but its a disaster for native code. Is there some way to remove the object files from the link line in the plugin? or am I missing some trick? It doesn't matter if the library sources are in a different directory, if its included (and it has to be included or ocamlbuild won't build the lib) then ocamlbuild will find the object files and use them. Thanks, Alan Falloon