i am trying to build OCaml 4.03.0 from source on windows 7. At first i tried to build it with VC140, which
failed due to unresolved symbols, __iob_func and sprintf.The workaround mentioned in the mantis ticket 7263
didn't help. The quite recent comment there that it is a bug (of sorts) in FlexDLL sounded reasonable, but the
Flexdll verison 0.35 which is mentioned in the install readme for OCaml 4.03 does not exist on alain frisch github
Compiling with VC110 worked fine except for the point where i tried to link my source files which were build with 
different vc versions. This time the list of unresolved symbols is longer,
Should the new FlexDLL version fix the problem, so i can recompile everything with VC140? Has someone successfully
compiled OCaml 4.03 with VC140 on a windows 7 machine with flexdll 0.34?
Best regards,