Hi David David> I would like to use BDD in a program of mine. So I'm looking for a BDD David> library that could be used in OCaml. David> I could also use a C BDD library (CMU's one for example) in access it David> from my OCaml program. David> Am I the first to do such a think? Is there another OCaml BDD library David> that I would have missed? I have made binding for Jørn Lind-Nielsen's BDD library BuDDy for use with Moscow ML, but since Moscow ML is based on Caml light it should possible (easy?) to port it to OCaml. I've planned to do this for some time but havn't had time to figure out how a good OCaml port should be done (I've never made OCaml-C bindings and I don't know the OCaml "philosophy" in this area). If somebody (with the time and ability) are interested in making a port I'll be willing to help out. Cheers, --Ken