Dear Colleagues, I have this month to move my web site from Bangor University; the new web site (but still under construction!) is So if you wish to keep links they should be changed as illustrated below html or htm files to pdf files to images (jpg, gif,..) to One consequence of this is that the many links from mathoverflow and mathstackexchange will not work, and should be changed manually as above. If anyone wants to help on their own initiative in this I'd be grateful indeed (and I hope also the readers)! I have checked at that these changes work. My son Marcus has done the new web design and I am gradually getting used to it, but there is still work to be done on it. Please let me know of problems. The old site has had over 700 page views in the last 30 days, with quite a lot of pdf downloads. I hope the new site will in the end be more useful. The old site did need revision to modern standards, and the new one and its separate hosting has also the advantage of the capability of outlasting me. Regards Ronnie Brown