Dear Colleague, I am happy to announce that Elsevier has now published a paperback version of my book B. Jacobs, Categorical Logic and Type Theory Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 141, North Holland, Elsevier, 1999. 780 pages. The regular price of the paperback is NLG 150 / Euro 68.07 / US$ 74 Elsevier now offers a discount of 25% for this paperback if you order before 31 july 2001, using the attached form. In that case the price is: NLG 112.50 / Euro 51 / US$ 55.50. If you wish to use this special offer, please fill in the form, and send it in time to Andy Deelen at Elsevier (precise address at bottom of the form). Do not send it to me. The book gives a survey of categorical logic and type theory starting from the unifying concept of a fibration. Its intended audience consists of logicians, type theorists, category theorists and (theoretical) computer scientists. It contains the following chapters. Prospectus Introduction to fibred category theory Simple type theory Equational Logic First order predicate logic Higher order predicate logic The effective topos Internal category theory Polymorphic type theory Advanced fibred category theory First order dependent type theory Higher order dependent type theory References Notation index Subject index More information can be obtained from the authors webpage: Bart Jacobs, Dep. Comp. Sci., Univ. Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Email: PS. Please pass this information on to your institute's librarian.