*********************************************************************** *** Last Call for Participation - Program *** LACL 2001 4th International Conference on LOGICAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS June 27 -- 29, 2001 Le Croisic (on the ocean coast, nearby Nantes), France http://www.irisa.fr/LACL2001 --- Please accept our apologies for multiple copies --- --- Thank you in advance to circulate among interested people --- ************************************************************************** *** Practical information, schedule, on-line registration: http://www.irisa.fr/LACL2001 http://www.irisa.fr/manifestations/2001/LACL2001 *** Contact: Christele Soulas csoulas@irisa.fr Elisabeth Lebret lebret@irisa.fr *************************************************************************** -- LACL 2001 PROGRAM -- *************************************************************************** --- Invited speakers ----------------------------- Geoffrey K. PULLUM, Barbara C. SCHOLZ : On the distinction between Model-theoretic and Generative-enumerative syntactic frameworks Michael MOORTGAT : Structural Reasoning in Categorial Learning Mark STEEDMAN : Reconciling Type-Logical and Combinatory Extensions of Categorial Grammar --- Contributed papers ------------------------- M. A. ALONSO, E. DE LA CLERGERIE, M. VILARES : A formal definition of Bottom-up Embedded Push-Down Automata and their tabulation technique D. BARGELLI, J. LAMBEK : An algebraic Approach to French Sentence Structure P. BOTTONI, B. MEYER, K. MARRIOTT, F. PARISI PRESICCE : Deductive Parsing of Visual Languages W. BUSZKOWSKI : Lambek Grammars based on Pregroups C. CASADIO, J. LAMBEK : An Algebraic Analysis of Clitic Pronouns in Italian C. COSTA FLORENCIO : Consistent Identification in the Limit of any of the Classes k-Valued is NP-hard A.DIKOVSKY : Polarized Non-projective Dependency Grammars A. FORET : Mixing Deduction and Substitution in Lambek Categorial Grammars, some investigations C. FOX, S. LAPPIN : Framework for the Hyperintensional Semantics of Natural Language with Two Implementations H. HARKEMA : A Characterization of Minimalist Languages T. LAGER, J. NIVRE : Part of Speech Tagging from a Logical Point of View J. MICHAELIS : Transforming Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems into Minimalist Grammars E. STABLER : Recognizing Head Movement J. VILLADSEN : Combinators for Paraconsistent Attitudes J. VILLANEAU, J.-Y. ANTOINE, O. RIDOUX : Combining Syntax and Semantical Knowledge for Semantic Analysis of Spoken Language R. ZUBER : Atomicity of Some Categorially Polyvalent Modifiers --- Panel discussion : Logic in Contemporary Linguistics and Computational Linguistics ************************************************************************ *** Organizers: IRISA (INRIA, CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, INSA) IRIN (Université de Nantes) *** Sponsors: France Telecom R&D Xerox Loire Atlantique Pays de la Loire Ville de Nantes Université de Rennes 1 Université de Nantes *** Book and journal exhibition: Elsevier Hermes Kluwer Lincom Europa MIT Press Springer-Verlag World Scientific Publishing Company *** Other events in computational linguistics in France, early July: 2-5 july, Tours, TALN & RECITAL 2001: http://www.li.univ-tours.fr/taln-recital-2001/ 6-11 july, Toulouse, ACL 2001: http://www.irit.fr/ACTIVITES/EQ_ILPL/aclWeb/acl2001.html ***************************************************************************