Dear All, I am organizing a special session “Univalent Foundations and Proof Assistants” at the International Congress of Mathematical Software (ICMS) 2016 in Berlin. The Congress will be from July 11 until July 14. I am also giving at the congress a plenary talk on July 14 about the UniMath. Here is the site of the congress: The description of our session as well as of other sessions is here: By clicking at the session name you get to the webpage of the session that will be eventually populated with the titles and abstracts of the talks. The list of speakers who have agreed to speak at our session is: Benedikt Ahrens (IAS/HoTT-Coq), Torsten Altenkirch (Nottingtham), Abishek Anand (Cornell), Marc Bezem (Bergen), Guillaume Brunerie (Nice/IAS), Mark Bickford (Cornell), Jason Gross (MIT), Catherine Lelay (IAS), Anders Mortberg (IAS), Vincent Rahli (Cornell), Floris van Doorn (CMU), Jacob von Raumer (KIT/CMU). We probably won’t be allowed to have more speakers but if you want to speak at the session please write to me and I’ll see what can be done. Hope to see you in Berlin, Vladimir Voevodsky.