[Thanks a lot for disseminating among potentially interested candidates. Apologies for multiple copies] Dear colleagues, For our research project (ERATO MMSD, Metamathematics for Systems Design) we are looking for senior researchers and postdocs (10+ positions in total and some are still open), together with research assistants (PhD students) and internship students. The project runs until March 2022. http://group-mmm.org/eratommsd This broad project aims to extend the realm of formal methods from software to cyber-physical systems (CPS), with particular emphases on logical/categorical metatheories and industrial application esp. in automotive industry. In order to deal with the complexity of real-world cyber-physical systems, we need to rely on empirical, learning-based and data-driven measures for quality assurance (such as search-based testing). At the same time, we are finding logical and automata-theoretic methods---the bedrock of formal verification and synthesis--playing pivotal roles also in those empirical quality assurance measures. This way, our project offers an exciting scientific environment that mixes formal methods, software engineering and machine learning. We also collaborate closely with https://www.autonomoose.net/, an automated driving project at Waterloo, Canada. The following are prerequisites for application. - Your background in one of the following fields: formal methods, programming languages, control theory, control engineering, software science, software engineering, machine learning, numerical optimization, user interface, mathematical logic or category theory - Your willingness to dive into the heterogeneous (and thus exciting!) scientific environment as described in the above For more about the project, including our recent activities and output, please visit http://group-mmm.org/eratommsd About the open positions, the page http://group-mmm.org/eratommsd/openpositions.html has more information (esp. how to apply/inquire). Best regards, Ichiro ====== Ichiro Hasuo Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics i.hasuo@acm.org Secretaries: hasuolab-secr@nii.ac.jp http://group-mmm.org/~ichiro/