Hi, everyone.

There was a link issue with my original post; see below. The link is directing to an old talk.  Must be a copy-and-paste error.

The following is the correct location:


Thanks Elaine Pimentel for pointing this out to me.

Sorry about the confusion.


On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 8:31 AM Harley D. Eades III <harley.eades-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Hi, everyone.

On Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 between 1pm and 2pm EDT, Dr. Valeria de Paiva will be giving a presentation as part of the CS Colloquium Series at Augusta University.

Presentation details can be found here:


Valeria's talk will tell us about benchmarking linear logics which should be fascinating!

These talks are open to the general public via Zoom.  I'll also be living streaming it on Youtube. So if you are interested in attending the Zoom meeting please RSVP with me before the talk.  Questions will be only taken from those on Zoom.

If you care to watch via YouTube, please use the following link:


I hope all of you, your family and friends are doing well!

Very best,