The Computational Logic and Applications (CLA) workshops are a series of annual meetings (cf., whose main purpose is to provide a free and open forum for research on combinatorial and quantitative aspects of mathematical logic and their applications in computer science. The next meeting will take place in Versailles (France) in July 1-2, 2019. It will be followed by a special issue of DMTCS dedicated to the same topics.

Topics within the scope of CLA include:
— combinatorics of lambda calculus and related formalisms,
— quantitative aspects of program evaluation and normalisation,
— asymptotic enumeration in computational logic,
— statistical properties of formulae, terms and programs,
— random generation of large combinatorial structures in computational logic,
— randomness in software testing and counter-example generation methods.

Submission of a talk proposal for the meeting should be done no later than June 11, 2019, by sending a short abstract through Easychair (
The steering committee will decide on the meeting’s program by June 14, 2019.
Attendance is free upon registration.

Invited speakers: 
— Samuele Giraudo (LIGM, Univ. Marne la Vallée, France)
— Clemens Grabmayer (TCS, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam, Netherland)

The steering committee for the workshop is
— Antoine Genitrini (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
— Alain Giorgetti (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Besançon, France)
— Bernhard Gittenberger (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria)
— Katarzyna Grygiel (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
— Michał Pałka (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden)
— Noam Zeilberger (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

The organising committee is composed of
— Olivier Bodini (University Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France)
— Danièle Gardy (University of Versailles, Versailles, France)
— Antoine Genitrini (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)

Following the meeting, a special issue of DMTCS is planned for early 2020 with full papers on the topics of CLA. These papers can be either results presented at the 2019 CLA meeting, or at a former meeting but not published elsewhere, or results not presented at CLA, as long as they fall within the scope of the workshop. The submitted papers should present original research, including survey papers, which is not already published or submitted to publication to another journal. 

The editors for the special issue are
— Olivier Bodini (University Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France)
— Bernhard Gittenberger (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria)
— Marek Zaionc (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
The papers will be refereed according to the usual standards of DMTCS. 

— June 11, 2019: submission deadline for talk proposals
— June 14, 2019: speaker notification for workshop
— June 24, 2019: registration deadline
— July 1-2, 2019: workshop
— September 30, 2019: submission deadline for contributions to the DMTCS special issue

Papers should be written in English. The submission process for DMTCS is the standard one for this journal. Ensure that you submit to the special volume "CLA 2019" and that you leave the section of the journal unspecified.

Authors will be notified of a decision within four months of submission to the special issue.