Dear all,

The Midlands Graduate School (MGS) provides an intensive programme of
lectures on the Mathematical Foundations of Computing Science. It has
run annually since 1999 and has been held at either the University of
Birmingham, the University of Leicester, the University of Nottingham,
or at the University of Sheffield. The lectures are aimed at
postgraduate/PhD students, typically in their first or second year of
study for a PhD. However, the school is open to anyone who is interested
in learning more about mathematical computing foundations, and all such
applicants are warmly welcomed. We very much encourage students from
abroad to attend, participants from industry, and many have done so in
the past.

Celebrating 25 Years, MGS 2024 will be held at the School of Computing
and Mathematics, University of Leicester, U.K.

The programme includes

* Kevin Buzzard (Imperial) as a guest lecturer on the formalisation of

* Thorsten Altenkirch (Nottingham) on category theory.

* Abishek De and Iris van der Giessen (Birmingham) with an introduction
to proof theory.

* Todd Ambridge (Birmingham) with an introduction to type theory with Agda.

* Sonia Marin (Birmingham) on session types.

* Ulrik Buchholtz (Nottingham) on synthetic homotopy theory with HoTT/UF.

* Reiko Heckel (Leicester) on foundations and applications of graph

* Tom de Jong (Nottingham) on categorical realisability.

Registration is open until 8th March.

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