PSSL 89 - Second announcement Dear Colleagues, The registration for attending the 89th Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic, which will be held on the weekend of 12th-13th December 2009 in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is now open. The website of the conference can be found at the address In order to register you should complete the Registration Form here below, and e-mail it to any of the organisers before October 31st. Saturday's lunch and dinner, as well as Sunday's lunch will be offered to those PSSL participants who register by then. You can book your room directly: in order to benefit from the special prices for the PSSL participants, you should complete the "Fiche de Réservation" which may be downloaded from the PSSL website, and send this document to the address Alternatively, you can ask any of the organisers to book the room for you. We are looking forward to seeing you in Louvain! Best regards, The organisers Enrico Vitale, Marino Gran, Tim Van der Linden, Tomas Everaert REGISTRATION FORM (please delete as appropriate) I, __________________________________________, would like to attend the 89th PSSL. My affiliation is _____________________________________ (University etc.). I intend to give a talk / I do not intend to give a talk. I would like to ask the organisers to book a single/double room at the Hotel Mercure for the nights of _____________ December. I would like to attend the dinner on Saturday / I would like to bring a guest / I will not be attending the dinner on Saturday. I have the following special dietary requirements: _________________________________________________________ [For admin and other information see: ]