Dear colleagues and friends, This is a final call for contributions for Hopf25: A conference on Hopf algebras, quantum groups, monoidal categories and related structures, which will be held in Brussels from Tuesday April 22 to Saturday April 26, 2025. Invited keynote speakers are Nicolás Andruskiewitsch (Córdoba), Shahn Majid (London), Vanessa Miemietz (Norwich), Dmitri Nikshych (Durham) and Chelsea Walton (Houston). The call for contributions is still open. We will have plenary talks in the morning and parallel sessions in the afternoons, we also plan a poster session. You can register for the conference and propose a title and abstract of your contribution via the form that is available on the website or via the following direct link. The deadline for registration (with contribution) is January 31. We will announce the acceptance of contributions by February 28. After January 31 it will only be possible to register for participation without (oral) contribution. There will be a conference fee of 75 euro for PhD students and 100 euro for other participants (this covers amongst others the cost of coffee breaks and includes 4 lunch tickets at the student restaurant). A conference dinner will be organized on Thursday evening, at an additional cost of 70 euro per person for those who want to take part. A secure link for the payment of the fees is available on the website and in the registration form. The deadline for paying the fees is March 31, so it is possible to wait with the payment until the confirmation of contributions. We ask participants in the first instance to look for funding by themselves to participate in the conference. However, we aim to provide some support to a limited number of participants, giving priority to young participants and researchers with limited access to other funding. If you would like to make use of this, you can indicate this in the registration form. Further information, including a tentative schedule, a registration form and travel information is available on our website Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested. We apologize for multiple postings. Best wishes and hoping to see you in Brussels next April, The organizers, Ana Agore . Stefaan Caenepeel . Kenny De Commer . Julia Plavnik . Paolo Saracco . Špela Špenko . Pedro Vaz . Leandro Vendramin . Joost Vercruysse . Yinhuo Zhang You're receiving this message because you're a member of the Categories mailing list group from Macquarie University. To take part in this conversation, reply all to this message. View group files | Leave group | Learn more about Microsoft 365 Groups