lemon on Tue, 2022/02/08 12:37: > vsnprintf returns the byte count of the formatted output not including > the null terminator, so in the case that len == 1024 the last character > of the output was being truncated and not detected by the later check. > Changing the greater than comparison to greater than or equal fixes this > edge case. We already have that pending... https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/commit/?h=ch/html-fmt&id=d828a623442e3fc3159e2c188a78e6fd4aca8af4 -- main(a){char*c=/* Schoene Gruesse */"B?IJj;MEH" "CX:;",b;for(a/* Best regards my address: */=0;b=c[a++];) putchar(b-1/(/* Chris cc -ox -xc - && ./x */b/42*2-3)*42);}