I've been a "fancy prompt" fan for decades. It started when I got (possibly the first) CRT (HP2641?) at Bell Labs with command re-entry capability. I put a @ at the end of my prompt, so when I re-entered a line, the prompt itself would disappear (@ was the default line-kill character in the pre-internet era). As it got possible to make ksh  prompts fancier, I put a newline at the end of the prompt, and used command number, host name, and working directory, color coded (although that may well not show up):

1896 jpl:/home/jpl/Downloads

Easy to visually distinguish prompts from commands, and copy/paste commands. And I jiggered a local cd command to put
  user@host ptty current-directory window-size
in the terminal window title. Handier before I retired, when I had many hosts I might be visiting with ssh. Overkill, arguably, but CPU cycles are cheap now. 

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 2:00 AM Andy Kosela <akosela@andykosela.com> wrote:
On 12/22/21, Adam Thornton <athornton@gmail.com> wrote:
> MacOS finally pushed me to zsh.  So I went all the way and installed
> oh-my-zsh.  It makes me feel very dirty, and I have a two-line prompt (!!),
> but I can't deny it's convenient.
> tickets/DM-32983 ✗
> adam@m1-wired:~/git/jenkins-dm-jobs$
> (and in my terminal, the X glyph next to my git branch showing the status
> is dirty is red while the branch name is green)
> and if something doesn't exit with rc=0...
> adam@m1-wired:~/git/jenkins-dm-jobs$ fart
> zsh: command not found: fart
> tickets/DM-32983 ✗127 ⚠️
> adam@m1-wired:~/git/jenkins-dm-jobs$
> Then I also get the little warning glyph and the rc of the last command in
> my prompt.
> But then I'm also now using Fira Code with ligatures in my terminal, so
> I've pretty much gone full Red Lightsaber.

I try to keep my prompt as simple as possible.  For years I have been using:

  moon $

That 's it.  No fancy colors, not even displaying current working
directory.  I have an alias 'p' for that.

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