I have a seemingly elementary question that I can't seem to find an answer to. I'm getting into using Emacs (ideally exclusively for things like editing, email, newsgroups, etc.). I've gotten gnus to display articles from a newsgroup server and I've been going through the manual learning how to mark, score, etc. However, I don't seem to be able to post or mail from gnus. The default is set to use sendmail as the agent (which I thought was working on my system) but no mail goes out. So I'd like to change it to use my ISP's smtp server and was not sure about the syntax and where to put it (I don't currently have a ~/.gnus file (using SUSE) but I do have a ~/.gnu-emacs file. Do I need to create a .gnus file? Thanks for the assistance. -- Cheers, Trey --- Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it, a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not. -- Henry Fielding 6:09pm up 3 days 22:53, 4 users, load average: 0.55, 0.33, 0.23 Linux salamander 2.6.8-20041025161453-default #1 Mon Oct 25 16:14:53 UTC 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux