I'm hoping a number of people on the list would provide their gnus.el file as a starting point for me. Ultimately, I'm trying to get gnus working as my primary e-mail due to the fact that I'm using emacs more and more as my "one stop shop" for all I'm doing. I'd ideally like to get the mail layout looking like I've got it in mutt here[1]. So any pointers about getting a similar layout for message view (same order of info, use of colors for messeges I tag as important, easily seeing messages I've replied to or forwarded, etc.) as well as message layout showing same headers, how to do coloring for reply depth, etc). Thanks very much for any and all responses! 1. http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/3183/screenshotam0.png -- Cheers, Trey ---- The little town that time forgot, Where all the women are strong, The men are good-looking, And the children above-average. -- Prairie Home Companion Linux fedora7.thesizemores.us i686 GNU/Linux 15:15:33 up 5 days, 2:13, 3 users, load average: 0.26, 0.17, 0.08