Daily News Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today's Top Stories

CME Regular Exercise Through Middle Age May Delay Biological Aging
A review suggests that following a regular exercise routine through middle age can delay biological aging by up to 12 years. (Br J Sports Med. Published online April 10, 2008.)
Medical News

CME Blood Substitutes Linked to Deaths, MI; FDA Should Have Acted Sooner to Stop Trials, Researchers Say
An analysis of studies involving the use of hemoglobin-based blood substitutes indicates that their use is associated with the increased risks for death and myocardial infarction. (JAMA. Published online April 28, 2008.)
Medical News

Specialized Offres For You

CME/CE Risk Factors Identified for Hot Flushes in Late Postmenopausal Years
A study elucidates risk factors for hot flushes in older postmenopausal women, which may help guide evaluation and treatment. (Arch Intern Med. April 28, 2008;168:840-846.)
Medical News

Recalls and Warnings Digitek Digoxin Tablets Recalled: Possible Double Dose Released by Accident
The manufacturer of Digitek digoxin tablets says that it may have accidentally released pills that are double the normal thickness, carrying twice the normal dose.
Medical News


CME SYNERGIE: Lifestyle Management Reduces Body Fat Distribution and Metabolic-Syndrome Risk Factors
Medical News

Imaging Studies Won't Trump Clinical End Points but Can Aid Drug-Development Decisions

Family Medicine

FDA Eyes Bisphenol A Concerns
Health News

Pathology & Lab Medicine

Multiple Genetic Loci Linked to Bone Mineral Density and Fractures
Health Information

Business of Medicine

World Health Organisation Rejects Taiwan, Again
Health Information

U.S. Medicare Proposes Cuts to Hospice Wages
Health Information

Featured News CME

CME/CE Supine Sleeping Not Linked to Clinical Aspiration in Neonates
Don't miss out on this News CME article due to expire soon.
Medical News


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