> BTW, on your screen shot[1], I looks like you didn't set ":enable > nil": Right. Check out mh-tool-bar.el. I had added "nil" to its mh-tool-bar-define entry, but it didn't seem to take. I've asked Satyaki if he could take a look into it. > [1] Wouldn't PNG be more suitable than JPEG for posting small screen shots? Probably. It's just habit. If I knew that PNG was less lossy, more compressed, and could be read by *all* systems, I'd probably use it more, but I haven't read such an analysis yet. Do you know how it fares against JPG? PNG *is* a compressed, lossy format, isn't it? Or is it not lossy and better to compare against GIF? I do know that IE has some problems with transparent PNGs. -- Bill Wohler http://www.newt.com/wohler/ GnuPG ID:610BD9AD Maintainer of comp.mail.mh FAQ and MH-E. Vote Libertarian! If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.