Kai Großjohann wrote:
Henrik Enberg <henrik@enberg.org> writes:

  I fully agree.  You lose the ability to show articles with high score
  in bold right now.  It would be much better to have it for
  undownloaded articles instead.


what do you think about replacing

 (downloaded . gnus-agent-downloaded-article-face)


 ((and gnus-agent-mode (not downloaded)) 
  . gnus-agent-undownloaded-article-face)

with a new face?

(I haven't tried the above entry, I'm not sure if it will work.)

I have to admit, my first thought was absolutely not. I use the agent to selectively agentize threads so must of my group buffer would be that annoying orange that I set for the default.  I also felt that it was inappropriate to perform an action based on the lack of an attribute.  However, after thinking about it, I can see where the undownloaded face could be taken as a per-article warning (i.e. download this article before going unplugged).

We'll need a better color choice.  Any suggestions?
