Hello, Let me announce the initial release of EasyPG, yet another GnuPG interface for Emacs. It consists of two parts: * "The EasyPG Assistant", a GUI frontend of GnuPG * "The EasyPG Library", a library to interact with GnuPG The EasyPG Assistant provides the following features: * Cryptographic operations are usable from dired mode. * Keyring management interface. * Transparent encryption/decryption of *.gpg files. The EasyPG Library provides the following features: * The API covers most functions of GnuPG. * Designed to avoid potential security pitfalls around Emacs. EasyPG is available from http://www.easypg.org/ NOTE: EasyPG is neither a fork nor a re-implementation of PGG. It can be usable as a PGG backend. Regards, -- Daiki Ueno