Earlier, I wrote: gm> I have some nnml groups, and I've configured nnir for use with gm> the namazu engine. For any search, the ephemeral groups produced gm> by nnir seem to contain no more than 999 matches even when gm> namazu gets more hits than 999, and I'm not sure how to override gm> that max. Aha, I finally noticed that the *nnir* buffer had entries like: ,---- | 1,402. Re: Your message of Mon, 3 Nov 1997 15:44:21 -0500 (score: 2) | /home/george/Mail/mathematics/135 (2,723 bytes) `---- Note the *comma* in 1,402. The regexp matching these entries did not allow for this comma, which explains hit-counts being always <= 999. The "hit number" that has the comma in it isn't actually used anywhere, so there seems to be no harm to just include the possible comma in the regexp. Maybe there is some way to tell namazu not to emit commas when counting past 1000, but I didn't see how in the man page. Here is a patch for nnir.el fixing the regexp in nnir-run-namazu, though I wasn't quite sure how I ought to "make the patch correctly" so that someone can easily put the fix in the git archive. It is anyhow a simple change.