###################################################################### # Runtime configuration file for Exim # ###################################################################### # This is a default configuration file which will operate correctly in # uncomplicated installations. Please see the manual for a complete list # of all the runtime configuration options that can be included in a # configuration file. There are many more than are mentioned here. The # manual is in the file doc/spec.txt in the Exim distribution as a plain # ASCII file. Other formats (PostScript, Texinfo, HTML, PDF) are available # from the Exim ftp sites. The manual is also online at the Exim web sites. # This file is divided into several parts, all but the first of which are # headed by a line starting with the word "begin". Only those parts that # are required need to be present. Blank lines, and lines starting with # # are ignored. ########### IMPORTANT ########## IMPORTANT ########### IMPORTANT ########### # # # Whenever you change Exim's configuration file, you *must* remember to # # HUP the Exim daemon, because it will not pick up the new configuration # # until you do. However, any other Exim processes that are started, for # # example, a process started by an MUA in order to send a message, will # # see the new configuration as soon as it is in place. # # # # You do not need to HUP the daemon for changes in auxiliary files that # # are referenced from this file. They are read every time they are used. # # # # It is usually a good idea to test a new configuration for syntactic # # correctness before installing it (for example, by running the command # # "exim -C /config/file.new -bV"). # # # ########### IMPORTANT ########## IMPORTANT ########### IMPORTANT ########### ###################################################################### # MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS # ###################################################################### # Specify your host's canonical name here. This should normally be the fully # qualified "official" name of your host. If this option is not set, the # uname() function is called to obtain the name. In many cases this does # the right thing and you need not set anything explicitly. # [dave] We can set this hostname through Windows instead, or # uncomment this line to force its value here. #primary_hostname = i9300.luannboostocracy.com # The next three settings create two lists of domains and one list of hosts. # These lists are referred to later in this configuration using the syntax # +local_domains, +relay_to_domains, and +relay_from_hosts, respectively. They # are all colon-separated lists: domainlist local_domains = @ domainlist relay_to_domains = hostlist relay_from_hosts = # Most straightforward access control requirements can be obtained by # appropriate settings of the above options. In more complicated situations, you # may need to modify the Access Control List (ACL) which appears later in this # file. # The first setting specifies your local domains, for example: # # domainlist local_domains = my.first.domain : my.second.domain # # You can use "@" to mean "the name of the local host", as in the default # setting above. This is the name that is specified by primary_hostname, # as specified above (or defaulted). If you do not want to do any local # deliveries, remove the "@" from the setting above. If you want to accept mail # addressed to your host's literal IP address, for example, mail addressed to # "user@[]", you can add "@[]" as an item in the local domains # list. You also need to uncomment "allow_domain_literals" below. This is not # recommended for today's Internet. # The second setting specifies domains for which your host is an incoming relay. # If you are not doing any relaying, you should leave the list empty. However, # if your host is an MX backup or gateway of some kind for some domains, you # must set relay_to_domains to match those domains. For example: # # domainlist relay_to_domains = *.myco.com : my.friend.org # # This will allow any host to relay through your host to those domains. # See the section of the manual entitled "Control of relaying" for more # information. # The third setting specifies hosts that can use your host as an outgoing relay # to any other host on the Internet. Such a setting commonly refers to a # complete local network as well as the localhost. For example: # # hostlist relay_from_hosts = : # # The "/16" is a bit mask (CIDR notation), not a number of hosts. Note that you # have to include if you want to allow processes on your host to send # SMTP mail by using the loopback address. A number of MUAs use this method of # sending mail. # All three of these lists may contain many different kinds of item, including # wildcarded names, regular expressions, and file lookups. See the reference # manual for details. The lists above are used in the access control list for # incoming messages. The name of this ACL is defined here: acl_smtp_rcpt = acl_check_rcpt # You should not change that setting until you understand how ACLs work. # Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses # here. An unqualified address is one that does not contain an "@" character # followed by a domain. For example, "caesar@rome.example" is a fully qualified # address, but the string "caesar" (i.e. just a login name) is an unqualified # email address. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local callers by # default. See the recipient_unqualified_hosts option if you want to permit # unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is not set, the # primary_hostname value is used for qualification. # qualify_domain = # If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a different # domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here. # If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used. # qualify_recipient = # When reading a user name from the gecos field in the passwd file, remove # the Cygwin specific information. gecos_pattern = (.*?)(,U-|,S-|$) gecos_name = $1 # The following line must be uncommented if you want Exim to recognize # addresses of the form "user@[]" that is, with a "domain literal" # (an IP address) instead of a named domain. The RFCs still require this form, # but it makes little sense to permit mail to be sent to specific hosts by # their IP address in the modern Internet. This ancient format has been used # by those seeking to abuse hosts by using them for unwanted relaying. If you # really do want to support domain literals, uncomment the following line, and # see also the "domain_literal" router below. # allow_domain_literals # No deliveries will ever be run under the uids of these users (a colon- # separated list). An attempt to do so causes a panic error to be logged, and # the delivery to be deferred. This is a paranoic safety catch. There is an # even stronger safety catch in the form of the FIXED_NEVER_USERS setting # in the configuration for building Exim. The list of users that it specifies # is built into the binary, and cannot be changed. The option below just adds # additional users to the list. The default for FIXED_NEVER_USERS is "root", # but just to be absolutely sure, the default here is also "root". # Note that the default setting means you cannot deliver mail addressed to root # as if it were a normal user. This isn't usually a problem, as most sites have # an alias for root that redirects such mail to a human administrator. # The default is disabled in Cygwin, not all installations have root. # never_users = root # The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming # IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too # expensive, you can specify the networks for which a lookup is done, or # remove the setting entirely. # In Cygwin the localhost is not looked up (matching relay_from_hosts) host_lookup = !* # The settings below, which are actually the same as the defaults in the # code, cause Exim to make RFC 1413 (ident) callbacks for all incoming SMTP # calls. You can limit the hosts to which these calls are made, and/or change # the timeout that is used. If you set the timeout to zero, all RFC 1413 calls # are disabled. RFC 1413 calls are cheap and can provide useful information # for tracing problem messages, but some hosts and firewalls have problems # with them. This can result in a timeout instead of an immediate refused # connection, leading to delays on starting up an SMTP session. rfc1413_hosts = !* rfc1413_query_timeout = 30s # By default, Exim expects all envelope addresses to be fully qualified, that # is, they must contain both a local part and a domain. If you want to accept # unqualified addresses (just a local part) from certain hosts, you can specify # these hosts by setting one or both of # # sender_unqualified_hosts = # recipient_unqualified_hosts = # # to control sender and recipient addresses, respectively. When this is done, # unqualified addresses are qualified using the settings of qualify_domain # and/or qualify_recipient (see above). # If you want Exim to support the "percent hack" for certain domains, # uncomment the following line and provide a list of domains. The "percent # hack" is the feature by which mail addressed to x%y@z (where z is one of # the domains listed) is locally rerouted to x@y and sent on. If z is not one # of the "percent hack" domains, x%y is treated as an ordinary local part. This # hack is rarely needed nowadays; you should not enable it unless you are sure # that you really need it. # # percent_hack_domains = # # As well as setting this option you will also need to remove the test # for local parts containing % in the ACL definition below. # When Exim can neither deliver a message nor return it to sender, it "freezes" # the delivery error message (aka "bounce message"). There are also other # circumstances in which messages get frozen. They will stay on the queue for # ever unless one of the following options is set. # This option unfreezes frozen bounce messages after two days, tries # once more to deliver them, and ignores any delivery failures. ignore_bounce_errors_after = 2d # This option cancels (removes) frozen messages that are older than a week. timeout_frozen_after = 7d ###################################################################### # ACL CONFIGURATION # # Specifies access control lists for incoming SMTP mail # ###################################################################### begin acl # This access control list is used for every RCPT command in an incoming # SMTP message. The tests are run in order until the address is either # accepted or denied. acl_check_rcpt: # Accept if the source is local SMTP (i.e. not over TCP/IP). We do this by # testing for an empty sending host field. accept hosts = : ############################################################################# # The following section of the ACL is concerned with local parts that contain # @ or % or ! or / or | or dots in unusual places. # # The characters other than dots are rarely found in genuine local parts, but # are often tried by people looking to circumvent relaying restrictions. # Therefore, although they are valid in local parts, these rules lock them # out, as a precaution. # # Empty components (two dots in a row) are not valid in RFC 2822, but Exim # allows them because they have been encountered. (Consider local parts # constructed as "firstinitial.secondinitial.familyname" when applied to # someone like me, who has no second initial.) However, a local part starting # with a dot or containing /../ can cause trouble if it is used as part of a # file name (e.g. for a mailing list). This is also true for local parts that # contain slashes. A pipe symbol can also be troublesome if the local part is # incorporated unthinkingly into a shell command line. # # Two different rules are used. The first one is stricter, and is applied to # messages that are addressed to one of the local domains handled by this # host. It blocks local parts that begin with a dot or contain @ % ! / or |. # If you have local accounts that include these characters, you will have to # modify this rule. deny message = Restricted characters in address domains = +local_domains local_parts = ^[.] : ^.*[@%!/|] # The second rule applies to all other domains, and is less strict. This # allows your own users to send outgoing messages to sites that use slashes # and vertical bars in their local parts. It blocks local parts that begin # with a dot, slash, or vertical bar, but allows these characters within the # local part. However, the sequence /../ is barred. The use of @ % and ! is # blocked, as before. The motivation here is to prevent your users (or # your users' viruses) from mounting certain kinds of attack on remote sites. deny message = Restricted characters in address domains = !+local_domains local_parts = ^[./|] : ^.*[@%!] : ^.*/\\.\\./ ############################################################################# # Accept mail to postmaster in any local domain, regardless of the source, # and without verifying the sender. accept local_parts = postmaster domains = +local_domains # Deny unless the sender address can be verified. require verify = sender ############################################################################# # There are no checks on DNS "black" lists because the domains that contain # these lists are changing all the time. However, here are two examples of # how you could get Exim to perform a DNS black list lookup at this point. # The first one denies, while the second just warns. # # deny message = rejected because $sender_host_address is in a black list at $dnslist_domain\n$dnslist_text # dnslists = black.list.example # # warn message = X-Warning: $sender_host_address is in a black list at $dnslist_domain # log_message = found in $dnslist_domain # dnslists = black.list.example ############################################################################# # Accept if the address is in a local domain, but only if the recipient can # be verified. Otherwise deny. The "endpass" line is the border between # passing on to the next ACL statement (if tests above it fail) or denying # access (if tests below it fail). accept domains = +local_domains endpass verify = recipient # Accept if the address is in a domain for which we are relaying, but again, # only if the recipient can be verified. accept domains = +relay_to_domains endpass verify = recipient # If control reaches this point, the domain is neither in +local_domains # nor in +relay_to_domains. # Accept if the message comes from one of the hosts for which we are an # outgoing relay. Recipient verification is omitted here, because in many # cases the clients are dumb MUAs that don't cope well with SMTP error # responses. If you are actually relaying out from MTAs, you should probably # add recipient verification here. accept hosts = +relay_from_hosts # Accept if the message arrived over an authenticated connection, from # any host. Again, these messages are usually from MUAs, so recipient # verification is omitted. accept authenticated = * # Reaching the end of the ACL causes a "deny", but we might as well give # an explicit message. deny message = relay not permitted ###################################################################### # ROUTERS CONFIGURATION # # Specifies how addresses are handled # ###################################################################### # THE ORDER IN WHICH THE ROUTERS ARE DEFINED IS IMPORTANT! # # An address is passed to each router in turn until it is accepted. # ###################################################################### begin routers # [dave] # If outbound SMTP wasn't blocked, we could put this router after the # dnslookup router below, using it only for addresses that fail DNS # lookups and would hence require routing assistance. # # Since SMTP is blocked, there's no reason to bother giving exim a # chance to send messages directly to other hosts on its own. smart_route: driver = manualroute domains = ! +local_domains transport = remote_smtp route_list = * smtp.rcn.com # This router routes to remote hosts over SMTP by explicit IP address, # when an email address is given in "domain literal" form, for example, # . The RFCs require this facility. However, it is # little-known these days, and has been exploited by evil people seeking # to abuse SMTP relays. Consequently it is commented out in the default # configuration. If you uncomment this router, you also need to uncomment # allow_domain_literals above, so that Exim can recognize the syntax of # domain literal addresses. # domain_literal: # driver = ipliteral # domains = ! +local_domains # transport = remote_smtp # This router routes addresses that are not in local domains by doing a DNS # lookup on the domain name. Any domain that resolves to or to a # loopback interface address ( is treated as if it had no DNS # entry. Note that is the same as, which is commonly treated # as the local host inside the network stack. It is not, the default # route. If the DNS lookup fails, no further routers are tried because of # the no_more setting, and consequently the address is unrouteable. dnslookup: driver = dnslookup domains = ! +local_domains transport = remote_smtp ignore_target_hosts = : # If the first host starts with '+', fallback on DEFER or FAIL. # If the first host starts with '=', fallback on FAIL only. # If neither, fallback on DEFER only. # The first cases are Cygwin extensions for users with dynamic ip addresses. fallback_hosts = + : smtp.rcn.com no_more # The remaining routers handle addresses in the local domain(s). # This router handles aliasing using a linearly searched alias file with the # name /etc/aliases. When this configuration is installed automatically, # the name gets inserted into this file from whatever is set in Exim's # build-time configuration. The default path is the traditional /etc/aliases. # If you install this configuration by hand, you need to specify the correct # path in the "data" setting below. # ##### NB You must ensure that the alias file exists. It used to be the case ##### NB that every Unix had that file, because it was the Sendmail default. ##### NB These days, there are systems that don't have it. Your aliases ##### NB file should at least contain an alias for "postmaster". # # If any of your aliases expand to pipes or files, you will need to set # up a user and a group for these deliveries to run under. You can do # this by uncommenting the "user" option below (changing the user name # as appropriate) and adding a "group" option if necessary. Alternatively, you # can specify "user" on the transports that are used. Note that the transports # listed below are the same as are used for .forward files; you might want # to set up different ones for pipe and file deliveries from aliases. system_aliases: driver = redirect allow_fail allow_defer data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}} # user = exim file_transport = address_file pipe_transport = address_pipe # This router handles forwarding using traditional .forward files in users' # home directories. If you want it also to allow mail filtering when a forward # file starts with the string "# Exim filter" or "# Sieve filter", uncomment # the "allow_filter" option. # If you want this router to treat local parts with suffixes introduced by "-" # or "+" characters as if the suffixes did not exist, uncomment the two local_ # part_suffix options. Then, for example, xxxx-foo@your.domain will be treated # in the same way as xxxx@your.domain by this router. You probably want to make # the same change to the localuser router. # The no_verify setting means that this router is skipped when Exim is # verifying addresses. Similarly, no_expn means that this router is skipped if # Exim is processing an EXPN command. # The check_ancestor option means that if the forward file generates an # address that is an ancestor of the current one, the current one gets # passed on instead. This covers the case where A is aliased to B and B # has a .forward file pointing to A. # The three transports specified at the end are those that are used when # forwarding generates a direct delivery to a file, or to a pipe, or sets # up an auto-reply, respectively. userforward: driver = redirect check_local_user # local_part_suffix = +* : -* # local_part_suffix_optional file = $home/.forward no_verify no_expn check_ancestor # [dave] allow_filter file_transport = address_file # [dave] directory_transport = address_directory pipe_transport = address_pipe reply_transport = address_reply # [dave] procmail: driver = accept check_local_user # Putting ${local_part} at the beginnig of this list does # not work properly in Cygwin (with ntsec). require_files = +${home}/.procmailrc:+/usr/bin/procmail transport = procmail_pipe # This router matches local user mailboxes. If the router fails, the error # message is "Unknown user". # If you want this router to treat local parts with suffixes introduced by "-" # or "+" characters as if the suffixes did not exist, uncomment the two local_ # part_suffix options. Then, for example, xxxx-foo@your.domain will be treated # in the same way as xxxx@your.domain by this router. localuser: driver = accept check_local_user # local_part_suffix = +* : -* # local_part_suffix_optional transport = local_delivery cannot_route_message = Unknown user ###################################################################### # TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION # ###################################################################### # ORDER DOES NOT MATTER # # Only one appropriate transport is called for each delivery. # ###################################################################### # A transport is used only when referenced from a router that successfully # handles an address. begin transports # This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections. remote_smtp: driver = smtp # [dave] The following two lines force TLS; comment them out if your # ISP's mail server does not offer TLS. hosts_try_auth = smtp.rcn.com hosts_require_tls = smtp.rcn.com # [dave] The following two lines enable rewriting local addresses in # outbound messages via /etc/email-addresses, per Debian's example. headers_rewrite = *@$primary_hostname ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}{$value}fail} return_path = ${if match{$return_path}{^([^@]+)@${rxquote:$primary_hostname}\$}\ {${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}{$value}fail}}fail} # This transport is used for local delivery to user mailboxes in traditional # BSD mailbox format. By default it will be run under the uid and gid of the # local user, and requires the sticky bit to be set on the /var/mail directory. # On Windows this can be done setting permissions RWE, but NOT DELETE, # for Everyone, on /var/spool/mail. # Some systems use the alternative approach of running mail deliveries under a # particular group instead of using the sticky bit. The commented options below # show how this can be done. # The default on Cygwin is to allow maximum access and not check owner & group # Turning initgroups on is very inefficient. It should only be done if # supplementary groups are needed during deliveries, e.g. to run filters. local_delivery: driver = appendfile file = /var/spool/mail/$local_part delivery_date_add envelope_to_add return_path_add # group = mail initgroups = no mode = 0666 mode_fail_narrower = no check_group = no check_owner = no # [dave] If you don't have procmail installed, you can comment out # this whole transport. procmail_pipe: driver = pipe command = /usr/bin/procmail -d $local_part return_path_add delivery_date_add envelope_to_add check_string = "From " escape_string = ">From " user = $local_part # group = mail # This transport is used for handling pipe deliveries generated by alias or # .forward files. If the pipe generates any standard output, it is returned # to the sender of the message as a delivery error. Set return_fail_output # instead of return_output if you want this to happen only when the pipe fails # to complete normally. You can set different transports for aliases and # forwards if you want to - see the references to address_pipe in the routers # section above. address_pipe: driver = pipe return_output # This transport is used for handling deliveries directly to files that are # generated by aliasing or forwarding. address_file: driver = appendfile delivery_date_add envelope_to_add return_path_add # [dave] This adds maildir support for local delivery. If you don't # intend to support local delivery, you can comment out this transport. address_directory: driver = appendfile delivery_date_add envelope_to_add return_path_add maildir_format # This transport is used for handling autoreplies generated by the filtering # option of the userforward router. address_reply: driver = autoreply ###################################################################### # RETRY CONFIGURATION # ###################################################################### begin retry # This single retry rule applies to all domains and all errors. It specifies # retries every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then increasing retry intervals, # starting at 1 hour and increasing each time by a factor of 1.5, up to 16 # hours, then retries every 6 hours until 4 days have passed since the first # failed delivery. # Address or Domain Error Retries # ----------------- ----- ------- * * F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,6h ###################################################################### # REWRITE CONFIGURATION # ###################################################################### # There are no rewriting specifications in this default configuration file. begin rewrite ###################################################################### # AUTHENTICATION CONFIGURATION # ###################################################################### # There are no authenticator specifications in this default configuration file. begin authenticators # [dave] If you want to use SMTP over TLS, provide your ISP account # username and password here. Just be sure to protect access # to this exim.conf file. fixed_login: driver = plaintext public_name = LOGIN client_send = : dave : daves_pwd fixed_plain: driver = plaintext public_name = PLAIN client_send = ^dave^daves_pwd ###################################################################### # CONFIGURATION FOR local_scan() # ###################################################################### # If you have built Exim to include a local_scan() function that contains # tables for private options, you can define those options here. Remember to # uncomment the "begin" line. It is commented by default because it provokes # an error with Exim binaries that are not built with LOCAL_SCAN_HAS_OPTIONS # set in the Local/Makefile. # begin local_scan # End of Exim configuration file