I posted this to gnu.emacs.gnus and somebody suggested that I should post it to this mailing list: rjs@lloke.dna.fi (Riku Saikkonen) writes: >I'll try to implement the thread tree, if I get the time. We'll see... >Don't hold your breath. Okay, here is a patch for gnus-sum.el that me and Riku wrote. (gnus-sum.el is located in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/gnus/gnus-sum.el atleast in my Debian system.) Copy the original gnus-sum.el to a local directory, say ~/elisp and patch (1) it. Following elisp-spells have to be added into your local Gnus configuration file (~/.gnus): (load "~/elisp/gnus-sum.el") (setq gnus-summary-line-format "%U%R%z%(%[%4L: %-20,20f%]%) %B%s\n") ;; Dummy roots to threads (setq gnus-summary-make-false-root 'dummy) (setq gnus-summary-dummy-line-format " %(: :%) %-10S\n") It's not necessary to use dummy thread roots but I think they make the the summary buffer easier to read. After restarting Gnus the Summary buffer should look something like this: : : Re: is there a way to have a thread t$ [ 15: Miernik ] +-> [ 16: Riku Saikkonen ] | \-> [ 35: Miernik ] \-> [ 49: Nuutti Kotivuori ] \-> You can customize this thread tree display somewhat. There are some variables defined in the patched gnus-sum.el. What the patch does is that it adds a new format specification character B in the accepted format specifications in 'gnus-summary-line-format' variable. Note that I've tried this patch with Gnus version 5.8.3 only. I have no idea, whether this patch works in any other Gnus version. (Probably not, though ;)