* spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
@ 2020-09-21 16:15 Hirotaka Honda
2020-09-22 1:55 ` 黃炳熙
2021-04-10 10:50 ` Hirotaka Honda
0 siblings, 2 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: Hirotaka Honda @ 2020-09-21 16:15 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Dear all
I have been using nnmail-split-fancy as nnmail-split-methods with spam-split function on Emacs 24.5.1. It worked very well.
After I changed my computer, installed Emacs 27.1 with Gnus v5.13, and compiled bogofilter, I could not make bogofilter work for spam-split (somehow, I could get values by S t in summery buffer), however long time I examined.
Luckily I found that bsfilter seems supported by spam.el.
bsfilter is able to handle spams in Japanese.
Previous (x86_64-apple-darwin15.3.0, NS apple-appkit-1404.34) of 2016-02-28 on my MacOS
Current (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0, Carbon Version 162 AppKit 1894.6) of 2020-09-06
Problem 1
spam-split function seems sending mail text to bsfilter. But even when it replies "X-Spam-Flag: Yes", it will not send it to the folder specified by the value spam-split-group.
I made a script, bsfilter-test, which confirmed the problem.
Probelem 2
When I try spam-generic-score at summery buffer by keys S t, I always get the message "Spamicity score 0" even if the message tested was evaluated as spam by bogofilter on the command line of shell.
I would be grateful if someone gives me any clues or hints to solve the problems.
;;;; init file settings relating to spam.el is as the following:
(require 'spam)
(setq spam-junk-mailgroups '("mail.spam"))
(setq gnus-spam-process-destinations '(("nnml:.*" "nnml:mail.spam"))
gnus-ham-process-destinations '(("nnml:mail.spam" "nnml:mail.misc")))
(setq spam-split-group '("mail.spam")) ;; nnml:xx wrong 9.17.2 Filtering Incoming Mail
(setq spam-mark-ham-unread-before-move-from-spam-group t) ;; Manual
(setq spam-bogofilter-program "/opt/local/bin/bogofilter")
(setq spam-bogofilter-database-directory "/Users/hirotaka/.bogofilter") ;; right
(setq spam-bsfilter-program "/Users/hirotaka/Applications/bin/bsfilter-test")
(setq spam-use-bsfilter t)
(setq spam-bsfilter-database-directory "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter")
(setq gnus-install-group-spam-parameters nil) ;; necessary?
(setq gnus-spam-process-newsgroups
'(("nnml:.*" ((spam spam-use-bsfilter)
(ham spam-use-bsfilter)))))
(setq gnus-parameters
'( ("nnml:mail\\.spam"
(display . all)
(spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-spam)
(spam-process ((spam spam-use-bsfilter) (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))
(spam-process-destination . "nnml:mail.spam")
(ham-process-destination . "nnml:mail.misc")
(ham-marks (gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-ticked-mark gnus-killed-mark))
(spam-bsfilter-database-directory . "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter"))
(display . all)
(spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-ham)
(spam-process ((spam spam-use-bsfilter) (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))
(spam-process-destination . "nnml:mail.spam")
(ham-process-destination . "nnml:mail.misc")
(ham-marks (gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-ticked-mark gnus-killed-mark))
(spam-marks (gnus-spam-mark))
(spam-bsfilter-database-directory . "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter"))
(display . all)
(spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-ham)
(spam-process ((spam spam-use-bsfilter) (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))
(spam-process-destination . "nnml:mail.spam")
(ham-process-destination . "nnml:mail.misc")
(ham-marks (gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-ticked-mark gnus-killed-mark))
(spam-marks (gnus-spam-mark))
(spam-bsfilter-database-directory . "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter"))))
;;;; bsfilter-test is as the following:
for ((i=0; i< $FARGC ;i++)){
TARGV[i]=`echo ${FARGV[i]} | nkf -w`
echo $i ${FARGV[i]} ":" ${TARGV[i]} >> $LOG
nkf -w | bsfilter ${TARGV[0]} ${TARGV[1]} ${TARGV[2]} ${TARGV[3]} ${TARGV[4]} ${TARGV[5]} ${TARGV[6]} ${TARGV[7]} ${TARGV[8]} ${TARGV[9]} ${TARGV[10]} ${TARGV[11]} ${TARGV[12]} | tee -a $LOG
# nkf -w: nkf is a tool to convert coding. -w option means output UTF-8
Hirotaka Honda
Honda Law Office
ParkAxis ShibuyaSakuragaoka South 801
8-11 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo 150-0031 Japan
Tel +81 3 3463 6602 Fax +81 3 3463 6608
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2020-09-21 16:15 spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter Hirotaka Honda
@ 2020-09-22 1:55 ` 黃炳熙
2020-09-22 2:09 ` Emanuel Berg
2021-04-10 10:50 ` Hirotaka Honda
1 sibling, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: 黃炳熙 @ 2020-09-22 1:55 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: The Gnus
[sorry for beside comments]
Dear Hirotaka,
Hirotaka Honda <hirotaka@hondalaw.com> writes:
> Dear all
> I have been using nnmail-split-fancy as nnmail-split-methods with spam-split function on Emacs 24.5.1. It worked very well.
> After I changed my computer, installed Emacs 27.1 with Gnus v5.13, and compiled bogofilter, I could not make bogofilter work for spam-split (somehow, I could get values by S t in summery buffer), however long time I examined.
> Luckily I found that bsfilter seems supported by spam.el.
> bsfilter is able to handle spams in Japanese.
> Environment
> Previous (x86_64-apple-darwin15.3.0, NS apple-appkit-1404.34) of 2016-02-28 on my MacOS
> Current (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0, Carbon Version 162 AppKit 1894.6) of 2020-09-06
> Problem 1
> spam-split function seems sending mail text to bsfilter. But even when it replies "X-Spam-Flag: Yes", it will not send it to the folder specified by the value spam-split-group.
> I made a script, bsfilter-test, which confirmed the problem.
> Probelem 2
> When I try spam-generic-score at summery buffer by keys S t, I always get the message "Spamicity score 0" even if the message tested was evaluated as spam by bogofilter on the command line of shell.
> I would be grateful if someone gives me any clues or hints to solve the problems.
> ...sorry for snip...
Everyone know that spam guarding is not easy. So i would like to give
you simple way. [All incoming mails ===> Gmail inbox] by forwarding,
that make classify to normal mails and spam mails. Actually there is no
stress with spam things...
Plus the best way is Google Apps!
Sincereley, Gnus fan Byung-Hee
^고맙습니다 _地平天成_ 감사합니다_^))//
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2020-09-22 1:55 ` 黃炳熙
@ 2020-09-22 2:09 ` Emanuel Berg
2020-09-23 0:48 ` 黃炳熙
0 siblings, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Emanuel Berg @ 2020-09-22 2:09 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Byung-Hee wrote:
> Everyone know that spam guarding is not easy.
> So i would like to give you simple way. [All
> incoming mails ===> Gmail inbox] by forwarding,
> that make classify to normal mails and spam mails.
I never get any spam! I don't know what I'm
doing wrong... *sob*
Maybe it is this solution [1] that has kept me safe
all these years. But somehow I doubt it. It is common
that people put their mails on their homepages, even
as mailto: links which should be prime pray
for crawlers.
I think nowadays spammers get their targets from huge
Darknet dumps...
(not that I got spam before Darknet)
[1] https://dataswamp.org/~incal/mailto.png
underground experts united
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2020-09-22 2:09 ` Emanuel Berg
@ 2020-09-23 0:48 ` 黃炳熙
2020-09-23 1:01 ` Emanuel Berg
0 siblings, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: 黃炳熙 @ 2020-09-23 0:48 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: The Gnus
Emanuel Berg <moasenwood@zoho.eu> writes:
> Byung-Hee wrote:
>> Everyone know that spam guarding is not easy.
>> So i would like to give you simple way. [All
>> incoming mails ===> Gmail inbox] by forwarding,
>> that make classify to normal mails and spam mails.
> I never get any spam! I don't know what I'm
> doing wrong... *sob*
Maybe you are Usenet(NNTP) man, so spammers don't know you are in the
world, i guess.
> Maybe it is this solution [1] that has kept me safe
> all these years. But somehow I doubt it. It is common
> that people put their mails on their homepages, even
> as mailto: links which should be prime pray
> for crawlers.
> I think nowadays spammers get their targets from huge
> Darknet dumps...
> (not that I got spam before Darknet)
Darknet... i need time to think about what Darknet is.
> [1] https://dataswamp.org/~incal/mailto.png
It looks good! Beautiful Email address, indeed^^^
Sincerely, Gnus fan Byung-Hee from Darknet (maybe?)
^고맙습니다 _布德天下_ 감사합니다_^))//
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2020-09-23 0:48 ` 黃炳熙
@ 2020-09-23 1:01 ` Emanuel Berg
2020-09-23 2:30 ` 黃炳熙
0 siblings, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Emanuel Berg @ 2020-09-23 1:01 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Byung-Hee wrote:
> Maybe you are Usenet(NNTP) man, so spammers don't
> know you are in the world, i guess.
I was active on a couple of groups but now it is
reduced to a minimum. I subscribe to the following
Usenet groups, from nntp.aioe.org:
and the following MLs, with Gmane:
>> Maybe it is this solution [1] that has kept me
>> safe all these years. But somehow I doubt it.
>> It is common that people put their mails on their
>> homepages, even as mailto: links which should be
>> prime pray for crawlers. I think nowadays spammers
>> get their targets from huge Darknet dumps... (not
>> that I got spam before Darknet)
> Darknet... i need time to think about what
> Darknet is
Darknet is the part of deep web which is encrypted.
You reach deep web (and so darknet as well)
anonymously, with Tor. You can buy drugs, guns, and
much worse things on Darknet, if you have enough
underground experts united
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2020-09-23 1:01 ` Emanuel Berg
@ 2020-09-23 2:30 ` 黃炳熙
0 siblings, 0 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: 黃炳熙 @ 2020-09-23 2:30 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: The Gnus
Emanuel Berg <moasenwood@zoho.eu> writes:
> Byung-Hee wrote:
>> Maybe you are Usenet(NNTP) man, so spammers don't
>> know you are in the world, i guess.
> I was active on a couple of groups but now it is
> reduced to a minimum. I subscribe to the following
> Usenet groups, from nntp.aioe.org:
> alt.os.linux
> alt.test
> alt.tv.survivor
> alt.usage.english
> rec.sport.boxing
> rec.woodworking
> and the following MLs, with Gmane:
> gmane.comp.shells.zsh.user
> gmane.comp.terminal-emulators.tmux.user
> gmane.comp.video.ffmpeg.user
> gmane.discuss
> gmane.emacs.bugs
> gmane.emacs.devel
> gmane.emacs.gnus.general
> gmane.emacs.gnus.user
> gmane.emacs.help
> gmane.emacs.orgmode
> gmane.emacs.w3m
> gmane.linux.debian.user
> gmane.test
Oh good information! Thanks^^^
>>> Maybe it is this solution [1] that has kept me
>>> safe all these years. But somehow I doubt it.
>>> It is common that people put their mails on their
>>> homepages, even as mailto: links which should be
>>> prime pray for crawlers. I think nowadays spammers
>>> get their targets from huge Darknet dumps... (not
>>> that I got spam before Darknet)
>> Darknet... i need time to think about what
>> Darknet is
> Darknet is the part of deep web which is encrypted.
> You reach deep web (and so darknet as well)
> anonymously, with Tor. You can buy drugs, guns, and
> much worse things on Darknet, if you have enough
> Bitcoins...
That's good to know, thank you Emanuel^^^
Sincerely, Gnus fan Byung-Hee (i am not from Darknet!)
^고맙습니다 _布德天下_ 감사합니다_^))//
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2020-09-21 16:15 spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter Hirotaka Honda
2020-09-22 1:55 ` 黃炳熙
@ 2021-04-10 10:50 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-04-10 13:30 ` Emanuel Berg
1 sibling, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Hirotaka Honda @ 2021-04-10 10:50 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Dear all
spam-split function began to work after putting the name of the spam folder also in the argument of the function.
(: spam-split "mail.spam") ;; "mail.spam"
Best regards,
Hirotaka Honda
Honda Law Office
ParkAxis ShibuyaSakuragaoka South 801
8-11 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo 150-0031 Japan
Tel +81 3 3463 6602 Fax +81 3 3463 6608
Hirotaka Honda <hirotaka@hondalaw.com> writes:
> Dear all
> I have been using nnmail-split-fancy as nnmail-split-methods with spam-split function on Emacs 24.5.1. It worked very well.
> After I changed my computer, installed Emacs 27.1 with Gnus v5.13, and compiled bogofilter, I could not make bogofilter work for spam-split (somehow, I could get values by S t in summery buffer), however long time I examined.
> Luckily I found that bsfilter seems supported by spam.el.
> bsfilter is able to handle spams in Japanese.
> Environment
> Previous (x86_64-apple-darwin15.3.0, NS apple-appkit-1404.34) of 2016-02-28 on my MacOS
> Current (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0, Carbon Version 162 AppKit 1894.6) of 2020-09-06
> Problem 1
> spam-split function seems sending mail text to bsfilter. But even when it replies "X-Spam-Flag: Yes", it will not send it to the folder specified by the value spam-split-group.
> I made a script, bsfilter-test, which confirmed the problem.
> Probelem 2
> When I try spam-generic-score at summery buffer by keys S t, I always get the message "Spamicity score 0" even if the message tested was evaluated as spam by bogofilter on the command line of shell.
> I would be grateful if someone gives me any clues or hints to solve the problems.
> ;;;; init file settings relating to spam.el is as the following:
> (require 'spam)
> (spam-initialize)
> (setq spam-junk-mailgroups '("mail.spam"))
> (setq gnus-spam-process-destinations '(("nnml:.*" "nnml:mail.spam"))
> gnus-ham-process-destinations '(("nnml:mail.spam" "nnml:mail.misc")))
> (setq spam-split-group '("mail.spam")) ;; nnml:xx wrong 9.17.2 Filtering Incoming Mail
> (setq spam-mark-ham-unread-before-move-from-spam-group t) ;; Manual
> (setq spam-bogofilter-program "/opt/local/bin/bogofilter")
> (setq spam-bogofilter-database-directory "/Users/hirotaka/.bogofilter") ;; right
> (setq spam-bsfilter-program "/Users/hirotaka/Applications/bin/bsfilter-test")
> (setq spam-use-bsfilter t)
> (setq spam-bsfilter-database-directory "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter")
> (setq gnus-install-group-spam-parameters nil) ;; necessary?
> (setq gnus-spam-process-newsgroups
> '(("nnml:.*" ((spam spam-use-bsfilter)
> (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))))
> (setq gnus-parameters
> '( ("nnml:mail\\.spam"
> (display . all)
> (spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-spam)
> (spam-process ((spam spam-use-bsfilter) (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))
> (spam-process-destination . "nnml:mail.spam")
> (ham-process-destination . "nnml:mail.misc")
> (ham-marks (gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-ticked-mark gnus-killed-mark))
> (spam-bsfilter-database-directory . "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter"))
> ("nnml:mail\\.misc"
> (display . all)
> (spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-ham)
> (spam-process ((spam spam-use-bsfilter) (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))
> (spam-process-destination . "nnml:mail.spam")
> (ham-process-destination . "nnml:mail.misc")
> (ham-marks (gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-ticked-mark gnus-killed-mark))
> (spam-marks (gnus-spam-mark))
> (spam-bsfilter-database-directory . "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter"))
> ("nnml:mail\\.hirotaka"
> (display . all)
> (spam-contents gnus-group-spam-classification-ham)
> (spam-process ((spam spam-use-bsfilter) (ham spam-use-bsfilter)))
> (spam-process-destination . "nnml:mail.spam")
> (ham-process-destination . "nnml:mail.misc")
> (ham-marks (gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-ticked-mark gnus-killed-mark))
> (spam-marks (gnus-spam-mark))
> (spam-bsfilter-database-directory . "/Users/hirotaka/.bsfilter"))))
> ;;;; bsfilter-test is as the following:
> #!/opt/local/bin/bash
> LOG=$HOME/tmp/bsfilter-spamel-log
> FARGV=("$@")
> FARGC=("$#")
> TARGV=()
> for ((i=0; i< $FARGC ;i++)){
> TARGV[i]=`echo ${FARGV[i]} | nkf -w`
> echo $i ${FARGV[i]} ":" ${TARGV[i]} >> $LOG
> }
> nkf -w | bsfilter ${TARGV[0]} ${TARGV[1]} ${TARGV[2]} ${TARGV[3]} ${TARGV[4]} ${TARGV[5]} ${TARGV[6]} ${TARGV[7]} ${TARGV[8]} ${TARGV[9]} ${TARGV[10]} ${TARGV[11]} ${TARGV[12]} | tee -a $LOG
> # nkf -w: nkf is a tool to convert coding. -w option means output UTF-8
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2021-04-10 10:50 ` Hirotaka Honda
@ 2021-04-10 13:30 ` Emanuel Berg
2021-04-11 11:10 ` Hirotaka Honda
0 siblings, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Emanuel Berg @ 2021-04-10 13:30 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Hirotaka Honda wrote:
> spam-split function began to work after putting the name of
> the spam folder also in the argument of the function.
> (: spam-split "mail.spam") ;; "mail.spam"
(that should be just one ; BTW - as in ;)
OT: do you guys really get that much spam? I think I have used
mail since ~1996 and never, ever had a problem with spam!
And I even put my mail in mailto:s all over the place - see
and even more so
and in text files like this
What am I doing wrong?
Please tell me!
Or are you doing anti-spam for the sake of it? Or for some
application/setting that is so much LARGER than small poor
ol' me?
> Hirotaka Honda
> Honda Law Office
> ParkAxis ShibuyaSakuragaoka South 801
> 8-11 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-Ku
> Tokyo 150-0031 Japan
> Tel +81 3 3463 6602 Fax +81 3 3463 6608
> http://www.hondalaw.com
... and, speaking about signature, please read this
RFC 3676, section 4.3 (Usenet Signature Convention)
underground experts united
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2021-04-10 13:30 ` Emanuel Berg
@ 2021-04-11 11:10 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-04-11 11:16 ` Emanuel Berg
2021-05-27 13:48 ` Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil Hirotaka Honda
0 siblings, 2 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: Hirotaka Honda @ 2021-04-11 11:10 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Dear Emanuel and all
I receive a few of spams everyday without direct mails included.
Almost no lawyers do not know RFC.
I stopped putting "-- " between body and signature more than 10 yeas ago.
We can take advantage of RFC way to reform law.
Best regards,
Hirotaka Honda
Honda Law Office
ParkAxis ShibuyaSakuragaoka South 801
8-11 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo 150-0031 Japan
Tel +81 3 3463 6602 Fax +81 3 3463 6608
Emanuel Berg <moasenwood@zoho.eu> writes:
> Hirotaka Honda wrote:
>> spam-split function began to work after putting the name of
>> the spam folder also in the argument of the function.
>> (: spam-split "mail.spam") ;; "mail.spam"
> ^^
> (that should be just one ; BTW - as in ;)
> OT: do you guys really get that much spam? I think I have used
> mail since ~1996 and never, ever had a problem with spam!
> And I even put my mail in mailto:s all over the place - see
> https://dataswamp.org/~incal
> and even more so
> https://dataswamp.org/~incal/blog
> and in text files like this
> https://dataswamp.org/~incal/data/MM
> What am I doing wrong?
> Please tell me!
> Or are you doing anti-spam for the sake of it? Or for some
> application/setting that is so much LARGER than small poor
> ol' me?
> ?
>> Hirotaka Honda
>> Honda Law Office
>> ParkAxis ShibuyaSakuragaoka South 801
>> 8-11 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-Ku
>> Tokyo 150-0031 Japan
>> Tel +81 3 3463 6602 Fax +81 3 3463 6608
>> http://www.hondalaw.com
> ... and, speaking about signature, please read this
> RFC 3676, section 4.3 (Usenet Signature Convention)
> https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3676.txt
> :)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter
2021-04-11 11:10 ` Hirotaka Honda
@ 2021-04-11 11:16 ` Emanuel Berg
2021-05-27 13:48 ` Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil Hirotaka Honda
1 sibling, 0 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: Emanuel Berg @ 2021-04-11 11:16 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Hirotaka Honda wrote:
> I receive a few of spams everyday without direct
> mails included.
You do right, I still wonder why I never get any spam tho.
Well, hell, I guess I just have to stop blaming myself...
> Almost no lawyers do not know RFC. I stopped putting "-- "
> between body and signature more than 10 yeas ago.
> We can take advantage of RFC way to reform law.
Hahaha that's right because isn't RFC indeed what we have
instead of the Law book?
underground experts united
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-04-11 11:10 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-04-11 11:16 ` Emanuel Berg
@ 2021-05-27 13:48 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-27 15:59 ` Eric Abrahamsen
1 sibling, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Hirotaka Honda @ 2021-05-27 13:48 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Dear all
Mail source (pop :server hondalaw.sakura.ne.jp :user hirotaka@hondalaw.com :leave 64 :port 995 :authentication apop) failed: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
Suddenly, my Gnus got unable to get new emails.
I am recording changes of init files and relating files to init files by git,
though I can not find any significant changes.
I made a clone of earlier dates, but earlier version could not pop emais.
I tried (setq debug-on-message "wrong-type-argument").
Debugger gave me this massage, which I could not analyze completely.
Probably, when a function, I could not find, is expecting integer or marker, the function got nil from somewhere I could not find.
If someone experienced the same problem, let me know it.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: "Mail source (pop :server hondalaw.sakura.ne.jp :user apfax@hondalaw.com :leave 64 :port 995 :stream tls) failed: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)"
message("Mail source %s failed: %s" (pop :server "hondalaw.sakura.ne.jp" :user "apfax@hondalaw.com" :leave 64 :port 995 :stream tls) (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil))
nnmail-get-new-mail-1(nnml nnml-save-incremental-nov "~/Mail/" nil nil nil)
nnmail-get-new-mail(nnml nnml-save-incremental-nov "~/Mail/" nil)
nnml-request-scan(nil "")
gnus-request-scan(nil (nnml "" (nnir-search-engine namazu)))
gnus-read-active-file-1((nnml "" (nnir-search-engine namazu)) nil)
Yours sincerely,
Hirotaka Honda
Honda Law Office
ParkAxis ShibuyaSakuragaoka South 801
8-11 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo 150-0031 Japan
Tel +81 3 3463 6602 Fax +81 3 3463 6608
Hirotaka Honda <hirotaka@hondalaw.com> writes:
> Dear Emanuel and all
> I receive a few of spams everyday without direct mails included.
> Almost no lawyers do not know RFC.
> I stopped putting "-- " between body and signature more than 10 yeas ago.
> We can take advantage of RFC way to reform law.
> Best regards,
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-27 13:48 ` Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil Hirotaka Honda
@ 2021-05-27 15:59 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-27 16:49 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-28 2:40 ` Pankaj Jangid
0 siblings, 2 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: Eric Abrahamsen @ 2021-05-27 15:59 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Hirotaka Honda <hirotaka@hondalaw.com> writes:
> Dear all
> Mail source (pop :server hondalaw.sakura.ne.jp :user
> hirotaka@hondalaw.com :leave 64 :port 995 :authentication apop)
> failed: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
That error is coming from somewhere in the code below, which could
actually be quite a bit of code since it is calling out to
`nnmail-split-incoming' which is a fairly large function. Have you
changed anything configuration related to mail splitting recently?
One thing you can try, to get a better traceback, is find this code in
the source file (nnmail.el:1828) and change the `condition-case' to
`condition-case-unless-debug'. Then M-x toggle-debug-on-error, and run
the code again, and paste the traceback you get from that.
(condition-case cond
(let ((smsym (intern (format "%s-save-mail" method)))
(ansym (intern (format "%s-active-number" method)))
(src source))
(lambda (file orig-file)
file smsym
(or in-group
(if (equal file orig-file)
(nnmail-get-split-group orig-file
((error quit)
(message "Mail source %s failed: %s" source cond)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-27 15:59 ` Eric Abrahamsen
@ 2021-05-27 16:49 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-27 16:53 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-28 2:40 ` Pankaj Jangid
1 sibling, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Hirotaka Honda @ 2021-05-27 16:49 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eric Abrahamsen, ding
Dear all
I moved nnmail.elc and el.gz and put condition-case-unless-debug into
Somehow debugger window did not open.
I found this line in *Messages"
>Processing mail from ~/.emacs-mail-crash-box...
Does it suggest email crashed, I forgot it, and some files (.newsrc,
.newsrc.eld, newsrc-dribble, and .gnus.registry.eieio) left collapsed?
Hirotaka Honda
On 2021/05/28 0:59, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> Hirotaka Honda <hirotaka@hondalaw.com> writes:
>> Dear all
>> Mail source (pop :server hondalaw.sakura.ne.jp :user
>> hirotaka@hondalaw.com :leave 64 :port 995 :authentication apop)
>> failed: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
> That error is coming from somewhere in the code below, which could
> actually be quite a bit of code since it is calling out to
> `nnmail-split-incoming' which is a fairly large function. Have you
> changed anything configuration related to mail splitting recently?
> One thing you can try, to get a better traceback, is find this code in
> the source file (nnmail.el:1828) and change the `condition-case' to
> `condition-case-unless-debug'. Then M-x toggle-debug-on-error, and run
> the code again, and paste the traceback you get from that.
> (condition-case cond
> (mail-source-fetch
> source
> (let ((smsym (intern (format "%s-save-mail" method)))
> (ansym (intern (format "%s-active-number" method)))
> (src source))
> (lambda (file orig-file)
> (nnmail-split-incoming
> file smsym
> spool-func
> (or in-group
> (if (equal file orig-file)
> nil
> (nnmail-get-split-group orig-file
> src)))
> ansym))))
> ((error quit)
> (message "Mail source %s failed: %s" source cond)
> 0))
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-27 16:49 ` Hirotaka Honda
@ 2021-05-27 16:53 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-27 21:30 ` Hirotaka Honda
0 siblings, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Eric Abrahamsen @ 2021-05-27 16:53 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Hirotaka Honda; +Cc: ding
On 05/28/21 01:49 AM, Hirotaka Honda wrote:
> Dear all
> I moved nnmail.elc and el.gz and put condition-case-unless-debug into
> nnmail.el.
> Somehow debugger window did not open.
> I found this line in *Messages"
>>Processing mail from ~/.emacs-mail-crash-box...
> Does it suggest email crashed, I forgot it, and some files (.newsrc,
> .newsrc.eld, newsrc-dribble, and .gnus.registry.eieio) left collapsed?
The earlier errors probably created that crash box, since they happened
during mail splitting.
I forgot to say you need to re-evaluate the new definition of
`nnmail-get-new-mail-1'! You don't need to move the nnmail files
anywhere, it is enough just to edit the definition of
`nnmail-get-new-mail-1', then hit C-M-x while point is inside the
function definition. That will be necessary to put the new definition
into effect. The next time you restart Emacs the old definition will be
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-27 16:53 ` Eric Abrahamsen
@ 2021-05-27 21:30 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-28 17:29 ` Eric Abrahamsen
0 siblings, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Hirotaka Honda @ 2021-05-27 21:30 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eric Abrahamsen; +Cc: ding
Dear all
The result is as the following.
at line 1767
C-M-x inside: Message: nnmail-get-new-mail
C- x e outside: eval: Symbol’s value as variable is void: method
at 1775 definition of nnmail-get-new-mail-1
C-M-x inside: Message: nnmail-get-new-mail-1
C- x e outside: nnmail-get-new-mail-1
at 1794
C-M-x inside: Message: nnmail-get-new-mail-1
C- x e outside: Message: eval: Symbol’s value as variable is void: method
at 1764 definition of nnmail-get-new-mail
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable method)
(nnmail-get-new-mail-1 method exit-func temp group nil spool-func)
eval((nnmail-get-new-mail-1 method exit-func temp group nil
spool-func) nil)
funcall-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil)
call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
at Group Buffer 2 g gnus-group-get-new-news
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
"=?utf-8?B?5Lq65qip5pOB6K235aeU5ZOh5Lya56ys77yT?= =..."))
"=?utf-8?B?5Lq65qip5pOB6K235aeU5ZOh5Lya56ys77yT?= =...")
"mail.misc" nil nil)
"<1599175788.2553940.1621982579163.JavaMail.root@ww..." "mail.misc" nil nil)
nnml-save-mail nnml-active-number)
nnmail-process-unix-mail-format(nnml-save-mail nnml-active-number)
nnmail-split-incoming("~/.emacs-mail-crash-box" nnml-save-mail nil nil
#f(compiled-function (file orig-file) #<bytecode
0x1ff2281b98c1>)("~/.emacs-mail-crash-box" "~/.emacs-mail-crash-box")
mail-source-callback(#f(compiled-function (file orig-file) #<bytecode
0x1ff2281b98c1>) "~/.emacs-mail-crash-box")
mail-source-fetch((pop :server "hondalaw.sakura.ne.jp" :user
"[name]@hondalaw.com" :leave 64 :port 995 :authentication apop)
#f(compiled-function (file orig-file) #<bytecode 0x1ff2281b98c1>))
(condition-case cond (mail-source-fetch source (gnus-byte-compile
(list 'lambda '(file orig-file) (list 'nnmail-split-incoming 'file (list
'quote (intern (format "%s-save-mail" method))) (list 'quote spool-func)
(list 'or 'in-group (list 'if '... nil (list ... ... ...))) (list 'quote
(intern (format "%s-active-number" method))))))) ((debug error quit)
(message "Mail source %s failed: %s" source cond) 0))
(setq new (condition-case cond (mail-source-fetch source
(gnus-byte-compile (list 'lambda '(file orig-file) (list
'nnmail-split-incoming 'file (list 'quote (intern ...)) (list 'quote
spool-func) (list 'or 'in-group (list ... ... nil ...)) (list 'quote
(intern ...)))))) ((debug error quit) (message "Mail source %s failed:
%s" source cond) 0)))
(if (setq new (condition-case cond (mail-source-fetch source
(gnus-byte-compile (list 'lambda '(file orig-file) (list
'nnmail-split-incoming 'file (list ... ...) (list ... spool-func) (list
... ... ...) (list ... ...))))) ((debug error quit) (message "Mail
source %s failed: %s" source cond) 0))) (progn (setq total (+ total
new)) (setq i (1+ i))))
(while (setq source (car-safe (prog1 fetching-sources (setq
fetching-sources (cdr fetching-sources))))) (if (setq new
(condition-case cond (mail-source-fetch source (gnus-byte-compile (list
'lambda '... (list ... ... ... ... ... ...)))) ((debug error quit)
(message "Mail source %s failed: %s" source cond) 0))) (progn (setq
total (+ total new)) (setq i (1+ i)))))
(progn (nnmail-activate method) (run-hooks
'nnmail-pre-get-new-mail-hook) (nnmail-cache-open) (while (setq source
(car-safe (prog1 fetching-sources (setq fetching-sources (cdr
fetching-sources))))) (if (setq new (condition-case cond
(mail-source-fetch source (gnus-byte-compile (list ... ... ...)))
((debug error quit) (message "Mail source %s failed: %s" source cond)
0))) (progn (setq total (+ total new)) (setq i (1+ i))))) (if (= 0
total) (if mail-source-plugged (progn (nnheader-message 4 "%s: Reading
incoming mail (no new mail)...done" method (car source))))
(nnmail-save-active (nnmail-get-value "%s-group-alist" method)
(nnmail-get-value "%s-active-file" method)) (if exit-func (progn
(funcall exit-func))) (run-hooks 'nnmail-read-incoming-hook)
(nnheader-message 4 "%s: Reading incoming mail (%d new)...done" method
total)) (nnmail-cache-close) (run-hooks 'nnmail-post-get-new-mail-hook))
(if fetching-sources (progn (nnmail-activate method) (run-hooks
'nnmail-pre-get-new-mail-hook) (nnmail-cache-open) (while (setq source
(car-safe (prog1 fetching-sources (setq fetching-sources (cdr
fetching-sources))))) (if (setq new (condition-case cond
(mail-source-fetch source (gnus-byte-compile ...)) ((debug error quit)
(message "Mail source %s failed: %s" source cond) 0))) (progn (setq
total (+ total new)) (setq i (1+ i))))) (if (= 0 total) (if
mail-source-plugged (progn (nnheader-message 4 "%s: Reading incoming
mail (no new mail)...done" method (car source)))) (nnmail-save-active
(nnmail-get-value "%s-group-alist" method) (nnmail-get-value
"%s-active-file" method)) (if exit-func (progn (funcall exit-func)))
(run-hooks 'nnmail-read-incoming-hook) (nnheader-message 4 "%s: Reading
incoming mail (%d new)...done" method total)) (nnmail-cache-close)
(run-hooks 'nnmail-post-get-new-mail-hook)))
(let* ((sources mail-sources) fetching-sources (i 0) (new 0) (total 0)
source) (if (and (nnmail-get-value "%s-get-new-mail" method) sources)
(progn (while (setq source (car-safe (prog1 sources (setq sources
...)))) (if (and (eq (car source) 'group) group) (progn (let (...)
(nnmail-get-new-mail-1 method exit-func temp group group spool-func))
(setq source nil))) (if (and (eq (car source) 'directory) (null
nnmail-scan-directory-mail-source-once) group) (progn (let* (... ... ...
... ... ...) (mail-source-set-1 source) (setq source ...)))) (if
nnmail-fetched-sources (progn (if (member source nnmail-fetched-sources)
(setq source nil) (setq nnmail-fetched-sources ...) (setq
fetching-sources ...))))))) (if fetching-sources (progn (nnmail-activate
method) (run-hooks 'nnmail-pre-get-new-mail-hook) (nnmail-cache-open)
(while (setq source (car-safe (prog1 fetching-sources (setq
fetching-sources ...)))) (if (setq new (condition-case cond
(mail-source-fetch source ...) (... ... 0))) (progn (setq total (+ total
new)) (setq i (1+ i))))) (if (= 0 total) (if mail-source-plugged (progn
(nnheader-message 4 "%s: Reading incoming mail (no new mail)...done"
method (car source)))) (nnmail-save-active (nnmail-get-value
"%s-group-alist" method) (nnmail-get-value "%s-active-file" method)) (if
exit-func (progn (funcall exit-func))) (run-hooks
'nnmail-read-incoming-hook) (nnheader-message 4 "%s: Reading incoming
mail (%d new)...done" method total)) (nnmail-cache-close) (run-hooks
nnmail-get-new-mail-1(nnml nnml-save-incremental-nov "~/Mail/" nil nil
nnmail-get-new-mail(nnml nnml-save-incremental-nov "~/Mail/" nil)
nnml-request-scan(nil "")
gnus-request-scan(nil (nnml "" (nnir-search-engine namazu)))
gnus-read-active-file-1((nnml "" (nnir-search-engine namazu)) nil)
gnus-read-active-for-groups((nnml "" (nnir-search-engine namazu))
(("nnml:groupname" 2 (1) nil "nnml:" nil) ("nnml:groupname" 2 (1) nil
"nnml:" nil) [ellipsis] ("nnml:groupname" 1 (1) nil "nnml:" nil) ...) nil)
gnus-get-unread-articles(2 nil nil)
funcall-interactively(gnus-group-get-new-news 2)
call-interactively(gnus-group-get-new-news nil nil)
On 2021/05/28 1:53, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> On 05/28/21 01:49 AM, Hirotaka Honda wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I moved nnmail.elc and el.gz and put condition-case-unless-debug into
>> nnmail.el.
>> Somehow debugger window did not open.
>> I found this line in *Messages"
>>> Processing mail from ~/.emacs-mail-crash-box...
>> Does it suggest email crashed, I forgot it, and some files (.newsrc,
>> .newsrc.eld, newsrc-dribble, and .gnus.registry.eieio) left collapsed?
> The earlier errors probably created that crash box, since they happened
> during mail splitting.
> I forgot to say you need to re-evaluate the new definition of
> `nnmail-get-new-mail-1'! You don't need to move the nnmail files
> anywhere, it is enough just to edit the definition of
> `nnmail-get-new-mail-1', then hit C-M-x while point is inside the
> function definition. That will be necessary to put the new definition
> into effect. The next time you restart Emacs the old definition will be
> restored.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-27 15:59 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-27 16:49 ` Hirotaka Honda
@ 2021-05-28 2:40 ` Pankaj Jangid
2021-05-28 23:05 ` Andy Moreton
1 sibling, 1 reply; 18+ messages in thread
From: Pankaj Jangid @ 2021-05-28 2:40 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>> failed: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
> That error is coming from somewhere in the code below, which could
> actually be quite a bit of code since it is calling out to
> `nnmail-split-incoming' which is a fairly large function. Have you
> changed anything configuration related to mail splitting recently?
I think this is related to bug 48664. I was also under an impression
that this might be local issue. But now Julien also reported.
This could be somewhere deeper in Emacs code. Started appearing in last
4-5 days only. I think there are no Gnus changes in this period.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-27 21:30 ` Hirotaka Honda
@ 2021-05-28 17:29 ` Eric Abrahamsen
0 siblings, 0 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: Eric Abrahamsen @ 2021-05-28 17:29 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Hirotaka Honda; +Cc: ding
Hirotaka Honda <hirotaka@hondalaw.com> writes:
> Dear all
> The result is as the following.
> at line 1767
> C-M-x inside: Message: nnmail-get-new-mail
> C- x e outside: eval: Symbol’s value as variable is void: method
> at 1775 definition of nnmail-get-new-mail-1
> C-M-x inside: Message: nnmail-get-new-mail-1
The C-M-x is all you need. How C-x C-e behaves changes depending on
what's directly before point; C-M-x will evaluate the function you're
in, no matter where point is inside it.
> at Group Buffer 2 g gnus-group-get-new-news
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
> mail-extract-address-components("=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCP004Ik1KOG4wUTB3MnFCaCMzSXQycS..."
> t)
Well this is odd. I can't be sure, but it seems like the header should
be decoded by this point. I'm not even certain that would even prevent
the error above, but it doesn't look right. I'm not sure what to do
about this...
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
* Re: Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil
2021-05-28 2:40 ` Pankaj Jangid
@ 2021-05-28 23:05 ` Andy Moreton
0 siblings, 0 replies; 18+ messages in thread
From: Andy Moreton @ 2021-05-28 23:05 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: ding
On Fri 28 May 2021, Pankaj Jangid wrote:
> Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>>> failed: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
>> That error is coming from somewhere in the code below, which could
>> actually be quite a bit of code since it is calling out to
>> `nnmail-split-incoming' which is a fairly large function. Have you
>> changed anything configuration related to mail splitting recently?
> I think this is related to bug 48664. I was also under an impression
> that this might be local issue. But now Julien also reported.
> This could be somewhere deeper in Emacs code. Started appearing in last
> 4-5 days only. I think there are no Gnus changes in this period.
I also saw the problem noted above, which went away after pulling the
latest emacs master and doing a full bootstrap.
There have been some recent changes in the byte compiler internals which
might have caused this issue.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 18+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2021-06-01 23:22 UTC | newest]
Thread overview: 18+ messages (download: mbox.gz / follow: Atom feed)
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2020-09-21 16:15 spam-split of spam.el with bsfilter Hirotaka Honda
2020-09-22 1:55 ` 黃炳熙
2020-09-22 2:09 ` Emanuel Berg
2020-09-23 0:48 ` 黃炳熙
2020-09-23 1:01 ` Emanuel Berg
2020-09-23 2:30 ` 黃炳熙
2021-04-10 10:50 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-04-10 13:30 ` Emanuel Berg
2021-04-11 11:10 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-04-11 11:16 ` Emanuel Berg
2021-05-27 13:48 ` Mail source failed, wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-27 15:59 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-27 16:49 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-27 16:53 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-27 21:30 ` Hirotaka Honda
2021-05-28 17:29 ` Eric Abrahamsen
2021-05-28 2:40 ` Pankaj Jangid
2021-05-28 23:05 ` Andy Moreton
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