>>>>> "Shigeki" == Shigeki Uno writes: Shigeki> Hi, ding users. [...] Shigeki> as for me, it complains the following error in mini buffer. Shigeki> BAD SIGNATURE claiming to be from 'Shigeki Uno (UNO PROJECT) Shigeki> ' Shigeki> is something wrong with my Gnupg-1.0.4? I don't know. I do know that your message's signature failed, with "No details." When I look in the *MailCrypt* buffer, it says: unknown hash: unable to verify signature. I can see other people's signatures for the most part. I'm using: PGP for Personal Privacy Version: unix50i1b Now, what *I*'d like to see is a hack to bbdb such that every time I successfully validate someone's signature, their bbdb record is updated such that mail I send to them is encrypted by default. If that makes any sense. Jack. -- Jack Twilley jmt at tbe dot net http colon slash slash www dot tbe dot net slash tilde jmt slash