hi, i'm new to the mailing list but not to gnus: after using it for a while, about one year ago i decided to try other emacs mail clients: i first used vm, them mew. now that i've seen what else there is out there, i finally know that what i need is gnus. each time i changed everything: mailbox format, fetching method, splitting method. so old configuration cannot help. i decided to try nnmaildir, and i would be happy with it, but it cannot read my inbox folder. i now use getmail to fetch mail and maildrop to split it in several maildirs inside ~/Mail, with inbox as default mailbox. gnus, while working fine with other folders, always says that inbox has hundreds of messages (it's an increasing number, by now it's 642, but it grows when new mail arrives); if i then try to read them, gnus says there are no unread messages, and refuses to show me the box. if i fisically rename the directory inbox/ to something else, gnus lets me see it. i've even tried, almost [*] without effects, to remove ~/.newsrc* before starting gnus. must i give up using inbox as default mailbox or there is a solution? [*] once and just once, after removing those files gnus showed me the right content of inbox, but i cannot reproduce this. thanks, pietro