/ Manoj Srivastava was heard to say: | On Tue, 18 May 2004 15:07:18 -0400, Norman Walsh said: | |> Unpleasant for whom? I have a whole library of tools that'll let me |> do useful things with XML. | | Could you share the names of the tools you use to author XML? | I use psgml, but it has been in semi-stasis for years now, and has | no support for schemas. I do like the context sensitive tag and | attribute insertion for arbitrary DTD's in psgml. Mostly I use rnc-mode now and RELAX NG. http://www.relaxng.org/ Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh | Wisdom is only a comparative quality, http://nwalsh.com/ | it will not bear a single | definition.--Marquess of Halifax