It took longer than I expected but all the required paperwork went to the FSF on Wednesday, so hopefully this is now taken care of. Attached is a patch for nnir.el that does a few things: 1. gnus-summary-nnir-goto-thread implementation for imap. I'm finding the thread by searching for all articles that are referenced by the original article, or reference any of the articles referenced by the original article (i.e. I'm being pretty aggressive in finding the thread). It seems quite fast, but if it turns out to be too slow it is easily changed. 2. Fixes gnus-completing-read (the recent changeover broke things). 3. Cleans up the autoloads and some obsolete comments. One function was still loaded from the old imap.el and I thought it might be prudent to move this function into nnir.el (imap-quote-specials) so that imap.el can just go away. Regards, Andy