Hi, I’m using Gnus (from Emacs 24.4.1) with a local dovecot and mbsync for synchronizing to remote IMAP servers [1]. This works really rather well. There is, however, one problem: I set the gcc-self Gnus parameter to save all outgoing mail. Usually this works flawlessly, but from time to time I cannot find some message that I know that was sent out successfully (I can see it in my msmtp log, and I also already got replies to such messages). Do you have any suggestions how to debug this? I noticed that dovecot, when used directly through the /usr/lib/dovecot/imap executable, does not seem to log anything. I tried to add the command line parameter -o log_path=/home/myuser/.dovecot.log but nothing gets logged there. For now, I've added "2>>$HOME/.dovecot.err" to the end of nnimap-shell-program. Nothing has appeared there so far, so I'm not too confident to be able to catch the problem in this way. Also, I'm not even sure whether it's a dovecot problem at all. It could be also due to Gnus itself. It's disquieting to randomly and quietly loose mail. I'd love to fix this. Christoph [1] http://roland.entierement.nu/blog/2010/09/08/gnus-dovecot-offlineimap-search-a-howto.html