Laura Conrad (2000-05-11 15:26:07 -0400) : > I got an email which contained a table of TeX codings for characters, > and also the characters. Most of them looked like I expected, but > there were 3 that displayed wrong in my gnus: > > œ \oe (displayed as \234) > Œ \OE (displayed as \214) > Ÿ \"Y (displayed as \237) > > I'm using: > xemacs*font: -etl-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso8859-1 The point is: these three characters are not in the iso-8859-1 character set (for somewhat stupid reasons, but anyway). They are in iso-8859-15, which is an update to the former and includes these three characters as well as the Euro currency unit sign. Unfortunately, iso-8859-15 is not supported by Emacs (as far as I can tell). M-x report-emacs-bug? Roland. -- Roland Mas It would be hard to be deader without special training. -- in Theatre of Cruelty (Terry Pratchett)