Just FYI: Ted Zlatanov writes: > NW> (setq gnus-registry-max-entries 20000 > NW> gnus-registry-split-strategy nil > NW> gnus-registry-use-long-group-names t > NW> guns-registry-track-extra '(sender subject)) First, note my clever spelling of "gnus" in "guns-registry-track-extra". That was fun to find. > You can set `gnus-verbose' to 9 and endure the noise until you catch the > problem. Sorry I don't have a better way. Yes, thanks. I finally got around to tracking this down. I added a new split rule that *never* worked and that made it a lot easier to debug. In this case, it turned out that gnus-registry-split-fancy-with-parent was splitting on subject and the subject was generic enough to have already been dropped in my "misc" bucket. Consequently, my new rule never fired. I expect that explains my other incorrect splits as well. I've removed "subject" from track-extra for the time being and I'll see how that goes. On the one hand, it was sometimes handy to have subject in the list, but I think the false splits probably outweigh that convenience. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh | There is nothing new under the sun but http://nwalsh.com/ | there are lots of old things we don't | know.--Ambrose Bierce