Steinar Bang writes: [...] > HOWTO for adding these to gnus master: > - Enter your git gnus clone > cd ~/git/gnus > - Add and fetch the baby-gnu gnus repo > git remote add baby-gnu git:// > git fetch --tags baby-gnu > git fetch baby-gnu > - Update the gnus master branch to HEAD > git checkout master > git pull > - Merge in the tag, and stop for inspection (magit is nice for looking > at the merge results after this step, and also for fixing merge > conflicts): > git merge --no-ff --no-commit feature/use-gnus-parameters-in-gnus-group-split-fancy > - After inspection and fix, either `c' to commit from inside magit, or > commit on the command line: > git commit Hello, When I need to make a merge for an occasional patch like this one, I'm doing quite differently, I do not add the remote: - I update the branch where the merge will go: git checkout master && git pull - If I'm feeling paranoid, I create a dedicated branch to test the merge: git checkout -b i master - I just merge the tag with information given in the pull request: git pull git:// tags/feature/use-gnus-parameters-in-gnus-group-split-fancy - In case of paranoid: + I edit the merge message to replace “i” by the real branch where I want to merge + I merge the “i” branch in master, If I'm not happy with the merge, I just trash the branch and ask for a reworked patch - In non-paranoid case, if I'm not happy with the merge, I just reset it (by resetting to “upstream” state): git reset --hard @{u} Regards. -- Daniel Dehennin Récupérer ma clef GPG: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x7A6FE2DF