Hi everyone, Other MUAs (mutt, courier-imap) store certain information about the status of messages in the filename. Basically they add an S to the end of the message if it has been seen, R if it has been replied, etc. This is all decribed at: http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html Gnus doesn't use these flags. So if you use gnus to read mails in a maildir and then access the same mail in mutt, the mails will appear to be unread. If you had read them in mutt first mutt will add the S (seen) flag, but gnus ignores it and the message would still appear to be unread. To fix this I've made a little perl script (~= 100 lines) for myself that syncs the two. It looks at gnus's marks and adds flags to the messages, then it looks at the messages' flags and adds gnus marks. The ideal solution would be to have gnus add the marks directly. I don't enough lisp to pull this off.