> On 2018-12-11, at 17:02, Uwe Brauer wrote: > Port 465 is SMTPS, while port 587 starts out with plaintext SMTP and > uses STARTTLS to switch to TLS. You need to use --starttls with > gnutls-cli, probably also --crlf: > gnutls-cli --insecure --crlf --starttls -p 587 mail.gmx.de > Afterwards, you need to talk SMTP: Type “ehlo localhost”, then > “starttls”; press ctrl-d to enter TLS mode, which shows crypto > details. > I set smtpmail-smtp-server, smtpmail-smtp-service, and > smtpmail-smtp-user and use ~/.authinfo.gpg for passwords; Do you really gpg your authinfo file? Where and how do you store its password?