Daiki Ueno writes: > Łukasz Stelmach writes: > >> It looks like there is a sort of bug in mml2015-epg-encrypt at line >> 1117. >> >> http://git.gnus.org/cgit/gnus.git/tree/lisp/mml2015.el?id=6e422932976e94d6dbb7ad602c5be3eb481fe46c#n1117) >> >> The whole form that begins at line 1113 converts list of recipients >> provided as email addresses, key IDs or anything gpg can digest into epg >> "objects". Unfortunately there is one corner case that makes this code >> fail. That is when a key is valid but a uid on it has been revoked. > > Thanks for the report. > >> epg.el is a part of emacs, mml2015.el belongs to gnus. IMHO it is >> mml2015-epg-find-usable-key that should be fixed. The function should >> accept and additional (optional?) parameter with a recipient uid as >> passed to epg-list-keys and reject keys with all uids matching the >> recipient parameter revoked. > > Sounds reasonable. I plan to apply the attached patch. The patch looks reasonable (-; I'll check tooday in the evening (CET). Before applying please follow the discussion (if it appears) on the gpg-devel mailing list: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.gpg.devel/17572 Of course if a fix appears in gpg 2.0.20 your code is still relevant for thos who use older versions. -- Miłego dnia, Łukasz Stelmach