/ David Z Maze was heard to say: | Norman Walsh writes: | |> I quit gnus and looked through .gnus, .newsrc.eld, .gnus.registry.eld, |> ~/Mail/active and couldn't find any reference to them. |> |> But next time messages were put in them, gnus seemed to remember the |> huge number of messages that had been in there (even though message |> numbers started at 1 again). |> |> Where's the old value cached??? | | Possibly in ~/Mail/misc/spam/.marks? Nope. I checked, the ~/Mail/misc/spam/dspam directory was totally gone. But I see now that it's been recreated with ((read (1 . 104522))) I just can't figure out where the 104522 was cached. :-( Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh | Necessity is the mother of http://nwalsh.com/ | self-delusion.--Hugh Laurie